VCOM 2023 Annual Report
Healthcare Workforce Affiliates Southwest Virginia AHEC V COM became host site to the Southwest Virginia Area Health Education Center (SWVA AHEC) in 2019. SWVA AHEC’s mission is to educate, recruit and retain a highly qualified, diverse and culturally competent workforce for the 21 counties and seven cities that comprise Southwest Virginia. This is accomplished by offering a variety of pipeline programs aimed at exposing high school students to a range of healthcare careers, multi-disciplinary CME on an array of current medical topics that foster and build a teamwork approach to treating patients in rural and underserved areas, the Virginia Scholars Program, and interdisciplinary courses for current undergraduate and graduate level healthcare students. In addition to partnering with VCOM-Virginia, the SWVA AHEC collaborates with other institutions of higher education in Southwest Virginia that offer healthcare professions degree programs, including three community colleges, Virginia Tech, Radford University, Henry and Lee Physical Therapy, Bluefield College and Appalachian College of Pharmacy.
National Center for the Analysis of Healthcare Data (NCAHD) T he National Center for the Analysis of Healthcare Data (NCAHD) was established in 2007 as a national research center to support not only VCOM’s faculty, students and staff needs relative to the healthcare workforce, but other healthcare-related public and private entities. NCAHD has created the most complete national healthcare workforce dataset in the country, allowing them to track alumni and map the growing disparity in primary care access between rural and urban areas. The Center also created a new methodology to determine specialty physician needs and demands. Providing high-quality products and analysis results in additional exposure for both VCOM and NCAHD, with products showcased at:
National Center for the Analysis of Healthcare Data NCAHD
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