VCOM 2017 Annual Report
inspired by innovation
Krautter D, Barger K, White J . Establishing a Zika Education Program in the Urban Setting of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Presented at 17th Annual BIOM International Seminar; 2016 Sep 17; Anaheim, CA. Mabry M, Sutphin D . The Impact of Low Cost Below the Knee Prosthetics in Patients in Honduras. Presented at ACOFP 2017 Convention. 2017 Mar 16-19; Kissimmee, FL. McKinney CE , Baumgarner K . Creating a neurodegenerative model of Gaucher Type 2, a lysosomal storage disorder, / using hiPSC to generate neural cells. Invited Poster at: 2016 International Congress of Genetics. 2016 Apr 25-28;Dalian, China. McKinney CE , Baumgarner K . Creation of Neural Cell Models of Gaucher Disease Type 2 from Patient Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) to Study Mechanisms of Pathology. Poster presented at the Society of Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego, CA: November 2016. McKinney CE , Bruncken J, Bui K. Genetics Case Studies to Align Course Objectives with Clinical Cases. Poster to be presented at: 2016 AACOM Annual Conference. 2016, Apr 6-9; Washington, DC. Meacham S . Osteopathic medical student experiences providing public health modules in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Poster presented at Bureau of International Osteopathic Medicine, American Osteopathic Association Conference. 2016 Sep 17-20; Anaheim, CA. Goessl, CL, Meacham SL . Collaboration among rural hospitals and health programs in Central Appalachia. Presented at the National Health Outreach Conference. 2016 Apr 7; Roanoke, VA.
Mumford PW, Kephart WC, Mao X, Martin JS , Young KC , Lowery RP, Kavazis AN, Jacob Wilson JM, Roberts MD. Effects of short-term ketogenic dieting or ketone salt supplementation on tissue ketone levels and tissue mRNA expression patterns related to oxidative stress defense. Presented at: Southeastern Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; February 2017. Mumford P, Mobley CB, Kephart W, Haun C, Holland M, Osburn S, Martin J , Young K , Kavasis A, Lowery R, Wilson J, Roberts M. Markers of Muscle protein synthesis and breakdown in slow-twitch skeletal muscle of rodents aged 3 to 24 months. Presented at the 100th Annual Experimental Biology meeting. San Diego, CA; April 2016. Murphy S, Napoli M, Albrecht J . Return to play considerations in a collegiate soccer athlete with facial trauma. Poster to be presented at: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. 2016 Apr 20; Dallas, TX. Palmieri JR , Meacham S , Warehime J, Stokes S. Relationship of infant diet to childhood health: routes of parasitic infections from contaminated weaning foods. Poster presented at American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2016 Nov 13-17; Atlanta, GA.. Patel A, McCrady B . Atypical treatment of phantom limb pain with pulsed radiofrequency ablation. Poster presented at 2017 AAP Annual Meeting. 2017 Feb 7-11; Las Vegas, NV. Paulman L . Does Split-Lab Anatomical Dissection Affect the Performance of Students on Laboratory Practical Exams? Poster to be presented at: 2016 AACOM Annual Conference. 2016, Apr 6-9; Washington, DC.
Haun CT, Romero MA, Osburn SC, Langston GL, Anderson RG, Goodlett MD , Pascoe DD, Roberts MD, Martin JS. Performance-related and molecular effects of external pneumatic compression treatment as an adjuvant to heavy, voluminous resistance exercise. Presented at: Southeastern Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting February 2017. Herrera E, Ochs S, Ables AZ . Development of an Interprofessional Certificate Program at an Osteopathic Medical School. To be presented at: 2016 AACOM Annual Conference. 2016, Apr 6-9; Washington, DC. Hortian VA, Milligan MK, Stoner AM, Cannon MD, Sahhar HS . Learning to PLAY! Promoting lifelong activity in youth to prevent pediatric obesity through a holistic intervention at an elementary school in South Carolina. To be presented at: ACOFP Annual Conference. 2016 Apr 6-9; San Juan, PR. Johansen KS, Dunn AP . From Cadavers to Cases: Using adult learning theories to enhance the laboratory environment [abstract 2015]. Poster to be presented at: 2016 AACOM Annual Conference. 2016, Apr 6-9; Washington, DC. Kephart W, Holland A, Lowery R, Mumford P, Mobley CB, McCloskey A, Shake J, Mesquita P, Young K , Martin J , Beck D , McCullough D , Kavazis A, Roberts M, Wilson J. Six weeks of a low-carbohydrate diet with or without exercise favorably alters hepatic NF-kB signaling and serum markers related to health in rats. Presented at the Southeastern chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine conference. Greenville, SC; February 18-20, 2016. Kephart WC, Mumford PW, Solozorno D, Osburn SC, Patel RK, Anderson RG, Healy J, Moore A, Martin JS , Young KC , Lowery RP, Wilson JM, Roberts MD. Effects of short-term ketogenic dieting or ketone salt supplementation lipogenic gene expression adipose tissue. Presented at: Southeastern Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; February 2017. Kidd J . 2nd Year Osteopathic Medical Students’ Exposure to a Community Health Assessment and Implementation Project; Roundtable discussion. Presented at the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) professional meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico; March 2016. Kidd J , Lois H , Dickens B , Liang S . Impact of a Clinical Pharmacist at a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Family Medicine Clinic. Presented at Third National Ambulatory Primary Care Research and Education Conference Meeting. Bethesda, Maryland; February 23-24, 2017. Kidd J , Stoner A , Rodriguez M . 2nd year osteopathic medical students’ exposure to a community health assessment and implementation project. Round table discussion presented at Association for Prevention Teaching and Research Teaching Prevention meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico; March 2016.
Meacham SL , Taber T. Economic impact of fluctuating coal production in counties in Appalachian Southwest Virginia. Presented at Society of Mining Engineers Annual Conference and Expo. 2016 Feb 21-24; Phoenix, AZ. Mobley CB, Mumford P, Kephart W, Haun C, Holland M, Osburn S, Beck T , Martin J , Young K , Kavasis A, Lowery R, Wilson J, Roberts M. Markers of Muscle protein synthesis and breakdown in slow-twitch skeletal muscle of rodents aged 3 to 24 months. Presented at the 100th Annual Experimental Biology meeting. San Diego, CA; April 2016. Mumford P, Holland M, Kephart W, Lowery R, Mobley CB, Patel R, Newton A , Beck D , Roberts M, Wilson J, Young K . Effects of a ketogenic diet with exercise on serum markers of bone metabolism, IGF-1 and femoral bone mass in rats. Presented at the International Society for Sport Nutrition. Clearwater, FL; 2016.
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