VCOM 2017 Annual Report

Faculty Publications (continued)

Barger K, Krautter D, White J . Targeted Zika Education and Medical Outreach in Rural Villages Surrounding Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Presented at 17th Annual BIOM International Seminar; 2016 Sep 17; Anaheim, CA. Bledsoe D, Tamer C, Mesic I, Madry C, Klein BG, Laube B, Costa B . Positive Modulatory Interactions of NMDA Receptor GluN1/2B Ligand Binding Domains Attenuate Antagonists Activity. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference. San Diego, CA; November 2016. Weidman E, Call L , Purnell F. A Case Report of Elite Athletic Performance in a Division 1 Women’s Soccer Player with Cystic Fibrosis American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine’s 31st Annual Clinical Conference. 2016 May 4-7; Tempe AZ. Costa B , Bledsoe D, Tamer C, Mesic I, Madry C, Klein BG, Laube B. Positive Modulatory Interactions of NMDA Receptor GluN1/2B Ligand Binding Domains Attenuate Antagonists Activity. Poster presented at the 26th Neuropharmacology Conference. San Diego, CA: November 2016. Dunn A . From Cadavers to Cases: Using adult learning theories to enhance the laboratory environment. Poster to be presented at: 2016 AACOM Annual Conference. 2016, Apr 6-9; Washington, DC. Goessl C, Meacham S . An assessment of lifestyle behaviors among patients with mental, metabolic and diabetic conditions in three southern Virginia hospitals. Poster presented at: American Osteopathic Association Conference. 2016 Sep 17- 20; Anaheim, CA. Haun C, Kephart W, Holland AM, Mumford P, Mobley CB, Fox C, McCloskey A, Shake J, Mesquita P, Kavazis A, Young K , Newton A , lowery R, Wilson J, Roberts M. A low-carbohydrate diet with adequate protein does not impair the hypertrophic response to acute and chronic resistance exercise in rodents. Presented at the Southeastern Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference. Greenville, SC; February 18-20, 2016. Haun C, Mumford P, Hyde P, Fairman C, Kephart W, Beck D , Moon J, Roberts M, Kendall K, Young K . Effects of a popular women’s thermogenic supplement during an energy-restricted high protein diet on changes in body composition and clinical safety markers. Presented at the International Society for Sport Nutrition. Clearwater, FL; 2016. Haun C, Mumford P, Mobley CB, Kephart W, Holland M, Osburn S, Martin J , Young K , Kavasis A, Lowery R, Wilson J, Roberts M. Markers of Muscle protein synthesis and breakdown in slow-twitch skeletal muscle of rodents aged 3 to 24 months. Presented at the 100th Annual Experimental Biology meeting. San Diego, CA; April 2016.

Zhu Y, Mahaney J , Jellison J, Cao J, Gressler J, Hoffmeister D, Goodell B. Fungal variegatic acid and extracellular polysaccharides promote the site- specific generation of reactive oxygen species. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 2017 Mar; 44(3):329-38. PMID: 28032229. Zhu H, Traore K, Santo A , Trush, MA, Li YR. Oxygen and Oxygen Toxicity: The Birth of Concepts. Reactive Oxygen Species. 2016; 1(1):1–8.

Mobley CB, Mumford PW, Kephart WC, Haun CT, Holland AM, Osburn SC, Beck DT , Martin JS , Young KC , Kavazis AN, Lowery RP, Wilson JM, Roberts MD. Effects of aging on markers of ribosome biogenesis in fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscle in rodents aged 3 to 24 months [abstract]. 99th Annual Experimental Biology Meeting. The FASEB Journal; 30(1S): lb626. April 2016. Mumford PW, Mobley CB, Kephart WC, Haun CT, Holland AM, Osburn SC, Beck DT , Martin JS , Young KC , Kavazis AN, Lowery RP, Wilson JM, Roberts MD. Markers of muscle protein synthesis and breakdown in fast-twitch skeletal muscle of rodents aged 3 to 24 months [abstract]. 99th Annual Experimental Biology Meeting. The FASEB Journal; 30(1S): lb627. April 2016. Pascoe DD, Kennedy EH, West JB, Rego FMA, Roberts MD, Martin JS . Bilateral thermal sympathetic response influences control leg during compression treatment [abstract]. 63nd Annual American College of Sports Medicine Meeting. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise; 48 (5S): 147. June 2016. Sarko DK, McKinney CE . Exosomes: Origins and therapeutic potential for neurodegenerative disease [review]. Front Neurosci. 2017 Feb 27; 11:82. PMID: 28289371. Ables AZ, Januchowski R, Berglind J . Using Infectious Disease Modules to Increase Collaboration by Faculty and Students. To be presented at: 2016 AACOM Annual Conference. 2016, Apr 6-9; Washington, DC. Albrecht J, Brolinson PG , Perry L, Russell A. Ferritin and strength performance in Division I college athletes: A retrospective review. Poster to be presented at: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. 2016 Apr 20; Dallas, TX. Anderson JM, Jackson A, Stoner A , Myles D . Standardized Patient Modules in Medical School With the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patient in Mind [abstract #2016-2371]. Presented at 59th Annual American Osteopathic Association Research Conference; OMED. 2016 Sep 17-20; Anaheim, CA. Aquila E, Sorrell M, Gause M, Henninger C, Stoner A , Sutphin D . Obstacles to Cervical Cancer Screening in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Presented at the 2016 ACOG Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting. 2016 May 14016; Washington DC. Aquila E, Stoner A . Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer in Tegucigalpa Honduras. Presented at 2016 National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students. 2016 Jul 28-30; Kansas City, MO. Oberle M, Wachs T, Brisson PA . Garlic burn to the face. J Spec Oper Med. 2016 Winger; 16(4):80-1. Faculty National and International Seminars and Presentations

Faculty Abstracts and Other Publications

Beck DT . Appendix A: Common Medications. In: American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (10th Edition). Riebe D, Ehrman J, Magal M, Liguori G (Eds.). Lippincott Williams; 2017 Feb 10: p. 405-32. Beck DT . Appendix C: Electrocardiogram Interpretation. In: American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (10th Edition). Riebe D, Ehrman J, Magal M, Liguori G (Eds.). Lippincott Williams; 2017 Feb 10: p. 441-8. Brolinson PG, Rogers M , Edison J. Functional and Kinetic Evaluation of the Hip and Pelvis. The Hip and Pelvis in Sports Medicine and Primary Care, 2nd Edition. [Eds. Seidenberg, PH and JD Bowen.] Springer Media: New York; 2016 Dec 16: p. 37-64. Haun CT, Mumford PW, Mobley CB, Kephart WC, Holland AM, Osburn SC, Beck DT , Martin JS , Young KC , Kavazis AN, Lowery RP, Wilson JM, Roberts MD. Markers of muscle protein synthesis and breakdown in slow-twitch skeletal muscle of rodents aged 3 to 24 months [abstract]. 99th Annual Experimental Biology Meeting. The FASEB Journal; 30(1S): lb174. April 2016. Martin JS , Haun CT, Kephart WC, Holland AM, Mobley CB, McCloskey AE, Shake JJ, Roberts MD. The effects of a novel red spinach extract on graded exercise testing performance [abstract]. 63nd Annual American College of Sports Medicine Meeting. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise; 48 (5S): 189. June 2016. Martin JS , Kephart WC, Haun CT, McCloskey AE, Shake JJ, Mobley CB, Goodlett MD , Zhang L, Roberts MD. Analysis of Human Vastus Lateralis Skeletal Muscle Biopsy Samples Changes in Response to High and Low Inflation Pressures during Peristaltic Pulse External Pneumatic Compression Via Transcriptome-wide RNA Sequencing [abstract]. 99th Annual Experimental Biology Meeting. The FASEB Journal; 30(1S): lb675. April 2016. McKinney CE . Exosomes: Extracellular communicators of heath and disease [invited review]. J. Translational Science 2. 2016 [DOI: 10.15761/JTS.1000157].


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