VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #R012

1. Prepare a written program description for compliance with this policy and designate an individual responsible for department-wide compliance. 2. Maintain a listing of accumulation areas and individuals responsible for oversight. 3. Maintain copies of training documents. 4. Conduct audits of waste management procedures within facilities under their jurisdiction as established in this policy to ensure compliance and implement the necessary changes. Deans of academic colleges/heads of administrative units are required to: 1. Designate College/Unit-wide individuals to oversee program. 2. Conduct audits of waste management procedures established in this policy to ensure compliance and implement the necessary changes. 1. Collection and Transportation of Hazardous Waste at VCOM The PI of a laboratory or facility that has hazardous waste for disposal shall contact the Chief of Operations for all requests for disposal of chemicals/materials. The PI shall contact the Institutional Biological Safety Officer (IBO) for biological waste disposal. The Chief of Operations will contact environmental personnel to collect and transport the hazardous waste through the appropriate procedures. Procedures for the collection of specially-arranged disposal activities will be established by the Chief of Operations, depending on the nature of the waste. The spill or discharge of any hazardous material must be reported to the Chief of Operations. All personnel will report the spillage to the Institutional Biosafety Officer, and the Institutional Biosafety Officer will provide guidance and direction in proper cleanup procedures, as deemed appropriate. The Institutional Biosafety Officer and the Chief of Operations will provide or recommend appropriate equipment for the cleanup, and arrange for the proper disposal of the hazardous waste. 2. Disposal of Hazardous Waste at Non-VCOM Locations Other locations that have hazardous waste for disposal will forward a properly completed Chemical Waste Manifest Form to the Chief of Operations. The Chief of Operations will then arrange to have the hazardous waste picked up by a commercial vendor. 4.6. Procedures


5.1. Purpose This policy will establish procedures for the safe handling and proper disposal of infectious waste generated at all College locations.

5.2. Reference The College is required by regulation to ensure the proper handling and disposal of these wastes.

5.3. Definition The definition of medical/infectious waste, as stated in the Commonwealth of Virginia Regulated Medical Waste Management Regulations, 9VAC20-120-140, is as follows:

VCOM Policies and Procedures Governing Environmental Health & Safety

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