VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #R012
4.4. Reducing Hazardous Materials To effect a reduction in the volume of hazardous waste generated at the College, as mandated by the local and state regulatory agencies, the generators of hazardous waste shall minimize the volume or toxicity of their waste:
Substitutions can be made to eliminate or reduce the amount of hazardous ingredients.
Management practices can greatly reduce unnecessary waste generation. This includes the purchase of only the quantity of material anticipated to be used and establishing usage parameters for each chemical. Hazardous materials may be redistributed or returned. Often, surplus chemicals can be redistributed within the College or returned to the manufacturer. Lists of redistributable chemicals should be circulated among faculty and staff within work units or departments. Such a list should contain the following information: Chemical name, Amount, Manufacturer, Purity, as stated on label and Whether the container is unopened. The College shall maintain a listing of chemicals that are available for redistribution: Bulking of compatible chemicals. The IEBC shall provide guidance in the consolidation of compatible chemicals. A significant reduction in disposal costs can be achieved in the bulking of these chemicals. Waste segregation. Mixing wastes can be hazardous; incompatible wastes can react - and explode. Wastes must be segregated to avoid these reactions. A further reduction in the costs for waste disposal can be achieved by reducing packaging time as compatible chemicals can be packed more efficiently. Chemicals should be segregated into the following categories: flammables, corrosives, poisons, and oxidizers. Integrate micro-scale techniques into organic and inorganic chemistry laboratory courses and research projects. These techniques can reduce chemical purchase costs and significantly reduce the quantities of waste chemicals for disposal. Use of micro-scale also reduces student and faculty exposure to toxic chemicals, carcinogens, flammables and explosives. 4.5. Responsibilities Individuals responsible for laboratories and other areas that handle and store hazardous waste are required to: 1. Designate a location within each room generating chemical waste for waste accumulation. This area is referred to as the “Accumulation Area.” 2. Designate an individual who is responsible to oversee the proper storage, labeling, and inspection of this Accumulation Area and who conducts weekly inspections of this area, documenting and maintaining the results of the inspection. 3. Ensure all laboratory personnel involved in chemical waste management are trained and documentation of training records is maintained. 4. Establish, implement, and document an annual review of all hazardous materials to ensure those exceeding safe and practical usage are properly disposed of. 5. Incorporate waste disposal management practices into all procedures, including laboratory manuals used for instruction. 6. Conduct audits of waste management procedures as established in this policy to ensure compliance and implement the necessary changes. Department heads/heads of administrative units are required to:
VCOM Policies and Procedures Governing Environmental Health & Safety
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