VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U029

President and Campus Dean(s) and actions may be taken to improve processes. d. The Provost will complete and submit the Accreditation Standards and Procedures Findings and Resolution Form to the Campus Dean(s) and President who will assure, along with the Provost, that actions are taken to bring the institution into compliance. e. As corrective actions are completed they will be documented by the Provost on the Accreditation Standards and Procedures Findings and Resolution Form. Once all corrective actions are completed, the Provost will submit the final form to the Campus Dean(s) and President. f. VCOM will provide the COCA any follow-up documentation regarding corrective action(s) as required. g. The Provost will meet with the complainant to inform them of the resolution and to explain the findings to the complainant and explain the appeal process. 1) In the event that the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution of the Provost, he/she may appeal the decision, in writing, to the President within 7 calendar days of notification of the resolution and/or may communicate his/her complaint to the COCA. h. All records regarding accreditation standard complaints are maintained confidentially by the Provost. 4. STATEMENT OF NON - RETALIATION FOR COMPLAINTS RELATED TO ACCREDITATION STANDARDS Neither the College, nor any person, shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, discriminate, or retaliate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by this policy, or because the individual has made a report or complaint, testified, assisted, or participated or refused to participate in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this policy. Complaints alleging retaliation may be filed with the Director for Institutional Licensure, Reporting and Accreditation. 5. DURATION OF POLICY The VCOM Policy and Procedures on Complaints Related to Accreditation Standards is effective as of the date above and shall remain effective until amended or terminated by the President, with approval by the Board of Directors.

VCOM Policy and Procedures on Complaints Related to Accreditation Standards

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