VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U029

and Accreditation Support, asking VCOM to investigate and provide a corrective action, if warranted, for the area in which the complainant believes the college is not in compliance with COCA standards. AND/OR b. Contact the COCA to directly report his/her complaint. The COCA has established a complaint review procedure to protect the integrity and the maintenance of accreditation standards and procedures as they relate to approved colleges of osteopathic medicine having recognition from the COCA. Please note that this complaint review procedure is not an appeal process for decisions made by VCOM. The complaint review procedure is to address issues raised related to accreditation issues. Please note that anonymous complaints cannot be considered. This procedure is compliant with the COCA’s accreditation

complaint policies and the complaint form can be found at American Osteopathic Association Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation

142 East Ontario Street Chicago, IL 60611-2864 Phone: (312) 202-8124

Once a complaint is received by VCOM either through direct receipt of the VCOM Accreditation Standards and Procedures Complaint Form or via notification by the COCA, the following procedures will be followed: a. Once the Director for Institutional Licensure, Reporting and Accreditation Support receives the complaint, she will make the Provost and President aware of the complaint. b. The Provost will then investigate the complaint and may appoint an ad hoc committee to assist in the investigation. The Provost and the ad hoc committee are responsible for investigating the complaint to determine the facts of the complaint. In the case of a complaint being filed with the COCA, VCOM will submit all required documentation to the COCA for their investigation and determination. c. After a thorough investigation has been conducted by VCOM and/or the COCA, a determination as to whether VCOM is compliant or non-compliant regarding the standard(s) in question will be made. 1) If VCOM is noncompliant, the Provost will make a recommendation as to corrective action(s) to the President and Campus Dean(s). The decision regarding final corrective action(s) will be made jointly by the Provost, President, and Campus Dean(s). 2) If VCOM is compliant, no corrective action(s) are required. However, the Provost reserves the right to make further recommendations to the

VCOM Policy and Procedures on Complaints Related to Accreditation Standards

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