VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U023

The College has frequent solicitation/survey requests from outside vendors, organizations and individuals not officially associated with the College and internal groups. As the number has increased over time, VCOM has seen a decrease in the response rate of many important surveys that the College utilizes to evaluate and continually improve the College. VCOM also seeks to assure any research that is done involving the VCOM community is valid, utilizes appropriate tools, and is not used for individual gain but for the improvement of the College and educational programs as a whole. The College is also concerned with the time and wellbeing of all employees. As a large institution with many employees, it is difficult to balance the number of monetary solicitations that occur each year from fellow employees, their children, the students, and the community. The publication of College outcomes are also a focus of this policy. Unless college outcomes are collected on a specific day annually, the published data may vary, causing a reader who sees varying reports to question the validity of the data. This is especially important when data is collected or provided for the purpose of accreditation, recruitment, or standard public reporting. The College reserves the right to refuse access to members or prospective members of the VCOM community by external constituents. 2.1. Monetary Solicitations The time required to respond to sales, whether negative or positive, and/or the undue pressure sales within the institution places on any members or prospective members of the VCOM community, is generally not in the best interest of all. Therefore, VCOM prohibits such sales or solicitation from external or internal entities/individuals without approval of the President and Provost’s office and is generally discouraged by that office. An exception is made annually when students are allowed to sell and purchase pre-approved VCOM clothing to further their student organizations. In each case, the items sold must be tasteful and must be pre-approved by the office of the Dean, the office of the Provost and President, and the Vice President of Marketing. All fundraising on campus is discouraged; however, in unique circumstances, such fundraising has been allowed when the cause promotes or aligns with the mission of the College and does not cause undue stress on any members or prospective members of the VCOM community. This policy on fundraising applies to grade school and high school organizations; youth groups/organizations; student clubs; local, regional, or national organizations (i.e. United Way, cancer societies); or other individuals or groups that seek to raise funds by solicitation of money from any members or prospective members of the VCOM community. In general, such fundraising is not allowed to avoid undue sales pressure placed on the any members or prospective members of the VCOM community. The institution, as a whole, may participate in fundraising efforts from the community; however, this must begin with or be approved by the Office of the President and Provost. 2.2. Surveys Surveys of employees and students are widely recognized as an important means for collecting information to maintain, improve, and assure educational quality; to enhance institutional effectiveness; and/or to improve student success. For the purpose of this policy, a survey is defined as a gathering of information through questionnaires, interviews, etc. to make inferences about a population. All surveys at VCOM must be conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. As any large employer or educational

VCOM Policy on Solicitations, Surveys, and the Use of College Outcomes

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