VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy U0 20

3. ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES FOR VCOM CARDS The CFO and President approve who is an eligible employee to utilize a VCOM Credit C ard. VCOM credit cards are t ypically are issued to eligible employees who travel frequently, or employees who worked in departments or divisions that need to tender payments for recurring spot purchases. Departmental or divisional charge cards (VCOM Dcards) may be issued to divis ional officers in lieu of VCOM c ards. VCOM Dcards are discussed in another section of this policy. 3.1 Employees eligible to receive a VCOM card are VCOM’ s President, VCOM Campus Deans, VCOM Vice Presidents, CFO, and certain employees who are approved by the President and CFO. Other employees eligible to receive a VCOM card include the following: Aircraft Pilots employed by VCOM; Associate Vice President for the OMNEE; Campus Admission Directors and Coordinators; Campus Directors for Accounting and Budgets, who function as purchasing agents for their respective campuses; Vice President for Development and Campus Alumni and Development Directors as approved ; Campus Directors of Facilities ; Campus Directors of Faculty and Staff Development; Director for Clinical Site Development ( one for all campuses) ; 3.2

Other employees may be issued VCOM cards at the discretion of the President and CFO



V COM card limits are based upon the function the employee performs at VCOM and the anticipated work related charges for that function . While employees in comparable positions should have the same monthly limits, variability in card limits may occur due to the functions a particular employee performs and/or the needs of VCOM. The credit card limits are approved by the President and CFO annually and kept in the office of the CFO. Limits may be changed at the discretion of the Pr esident and the CFO .



5.1 Sharing Your Charge Card Number The best practice for c ardholders is not to share your charge card numbers with anyone. If c ardholder s decide to share their card number s , the person s with whom the card numbers are share d shall be full - time employee s of VCOM utilizing the card for Divisional business . If the c ardholder s and the full - time VCOM employee s with whom the card number are shared use the card s at the same time, t he car d issuer may accidently terminate the VCOM card. The card


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