VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy U0 20

2.3 VCOM Card Administrator is the Assistant Controller for Accounts Payable and Compliance in the Business Office located on the Virginia Campus. Cardholders should first contact the credit card customer assistance to resolve any issues with the cards . If the card issues are not resolved by contacting the card customer assistance , please contact the Card Administrator . 2.4 Credit Card Log is a log of credit card transactions fo r a pa rticular month or billing cycle that lists account coding and has an area for the credit card user to log a description for each credit card charge or purchase. Each month, c ardholders are required to complete the log and send to the c ampus Business Office , accompanied by the monthly credit card statement, and any original , itemized receipts for the charges or purchases on the monthly credit card statement. 2.5 Divisional Officer is a senior administrator at VCOM that reports to the President or the campus dean, and is responsible for developing and managing a departmental or divisional budget. Selected divisional officers may receive VCOM Dcards and must review and approve purchases monthly . Divisional Officers approve all credit cards for empl oyees in their Division who have been issued VCOM credit cards and must review the logs and purchases of those cards monthy. 2.6 Original Receipts are receipt s that list all items purchased or rented . For group meals, along with the receipt each person participating in the meal must be logged as detail on the credit card log. Purchases outside of the travel policy may not be approved, therefore if using the credit card for travel be sure to justify on the log and attach receipts where appropriate. Typi cally, cardholders are r equired to ask for the original receipt for meals after paying for such things as restaurant bill s . Lack of original receipts or lost receipts risk purchases not being approved by the Division Officer. 2.7 The Supervisor i s the Division Officer to whom the c ard holder reports. The supervisor shall review the credit card logs, credit card statements and original , itemized receipts to ensure charges are necessary, business - related expenses. The supervisor has the right and respons ibility to question cardholders about charges, refunds, descriptions, the propriety of charges, etc. The supervisor of the Deans and Division Officers is the President. The supervisor for the President is the Chairman of the Board. 2.8 VCOM Dcard is a departmental or divisional VISA charge card issued to a select group of divisional officers. These charge cards are not issued with an employee’s name embossed upon the charge card, and can be utilized by any authorized or unauthorized individual . S afeguarding a VCOM Dcard from unauthorized users is extremely important. 2.9 VCOM’s Travel Policy provides information about limits for lodging and meals, and other travel expenses. Please refer to that policy and the Travel Expense Report in Paychex to learn about travel limits and restrictions before charging travel expenses to your VCOM cards or VCOM Dcards.


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