VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U019


PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to describe the expected work hours of a VCOM full time employee and to describe overtime policies. The policy addresses the exempt and non-exempt employees overtime pay that comply with the 2016 regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA). 2. VCOM PHILOSOPHY ON WORK HOURS The VCOM philosophy on work hours are that the majority of employees should attempt to complete their work during the 40 hour work week. Time off from work (time outside of the 40 hours) should be spent with family and in rest and relaxation, leaving one energized and enthusiastic when they return. As VCOM is an osteopathic medical school concerned with the mental, spiritual, and physical health of an individual, this must begin with the VCOM employees. Having adequate time off work allows for the mental and spiritual well-being of our employees to be nourished by family, friends, and faith and to have the appropriate exercise and rest to be physically healthy. VCOM encourages officers to assure adequate time off for employees whether the employee is an exempt or non-exempt employee. 3. D EFINITION OF WORK AND THE PLACE OF WORK The definition of work and the place the work is to occur are to be considered by the employee and the The work of a VCOM employee is expected to be performed on a VCOM campus during the times he or she has been assigned, unless the employee has been assigned to a different place for their VCOM work for a part or the whole of their duties. • Certain VCOM full time employees are assigned to off campus sites. These include clinical sites or sites where certain employees are to perform online duties. In these cases, the employee’s job description will list the site where the job occurs and the duties to be performed at each site. • Certain VCOM full time employees have as a part of a contract or agreement, a portion of their time leased to another entity to perform work. These include clinical faculty who may work their clinical time leased to a Medical Group or Hospital. Employees who do not have their regular workplace on campus may not work overtime to receive overtime pay and should inform the Division officer if they are asked to do so. An employee who normally works on campus may be assigned to work off campus from time to time. Duties performed off campus, whether performing those required job duties in your home or when traveling, are considered as “work-time.” 3.1 Travel and Off Campus Job-Related Duties 3.1.1 Travel and Duties Considered as Work a. Work Travel Time spent driving a vehicle or flying a plane for work related duties, from job site to job site, or to another VCOM campus are considered hours worked. If an employee is asked to shop for work-related supplies, the work time would include the driving between the store and work and the time spent shopping. Time spent by salaried, non-exempt employees Division Officer when assigning or approving duties. The workweek is defined as Sunday through Saturday.

VCOM Employee Work Hours and Overtime Policy

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