VCOM Administrative and Classified Staff Handbook
Workplace Site Expectations, Requirements, and Working Remotely The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine is composed of four campuses. In the higher administration, the Vice Presidents and/or Vice Provosts have assigned duties to four campuses. Campus Deans are assigned to one campus. All employees have an assigned “home” campus that is considered the primary workplace. The employee is expected to work on the “home” campus unless prior approval has been provided. Many full-time employees are expected to work on campus a minimum of 40 hours per week. Part-time employees are expected to work on campus for the number of hours for which the employee is paid. While remote work may be a viable work option for a few positions, work done remotely must be approved in advance by the following: 1) Supervisor and Division Officer, 2) Campus Dean or Vice President or Vice Provost, and 3) President. A copy of the signed approval must be placed in the employee’s file. Remote work is defined as work done from home or any satellite location other than the assigned campus. VCOM is committed to providing in-person instruction and in-person support for all students. VCOM is also committed to providing in-person support for faculty and staff who are working on campus. As a result, the campus is considered the primary workplace for faculty and staff members. Working remotely may not be used as a substitute for personal leave, sick time, or dependent care needs. The ability to work remotely is granted in advance at the sole discretion of the College and pertains to the type of work, duties, and demands of the work being performed, the needs of the supervisor, the structure established for any off campus work, the past performance of the employee both when working on or off campus, and the educational mission of the College. VCOM is also committed to providing employees with a work environment that supports employee engagement, productivity, and a healthy work-life balance. While working on campus is required for the majority of employees the majority of time, the College recognizes exceptions may exist. As an example, the college recognizes that not all jobs or tasks within a job are required to be done on campus and so the College does provide a review process for requesting to work at a satellite location. In considering such a request, 1) the supervisor and Division Officer, 2) the Campus Dean or Vice President or Vice Provost; and 3) the President will review the request and consider the employee’s duties, the entire work schedule, and percentage of duties being requested to be completed off-campus. Also, the employee’s productivity, the type of duties performed, and whether working off-campus will cause lack of access to services for students, faculty, or staff will also be considered when determining the appropriate work environment. The best workplace remains on campus for the majority (95%+) of employees. • The College does consider factors that result in a percentage of work being performed in a planned satellite location. • The College may also consider a 4-day, ten-hour day work week option for an employee requesting such a schedule in lieu of a 5-day, eight-hour day expectation; however, this must be pre-approved and must meet the needs of the institution, students, and other employees served. Any employee seeking to work remotely or to have an altered schedule, must submit their request in writing through Human Resource using the Remote Work Request Form. The request will be reviewed by the following three persons: the employee’s immediate supervisor, the appropriate Vice President or Vice Provost or the Campus Dean, and the President. Any of these individuals have the right to refuse the request. The form must be signed and approved by all appropriate signatures to be in effect and are not considered retrospectively. Any persons approved will have a brief pilot period (60 days) for supervisor review to assure all needs of the institution are still being met before longer-term implementation.
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