VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

a. The student may request that the sanctions be determined solely by the Campus Dean. The Campus Dean must be willing to hear the case without a Three Person Panel or Professional and Ethical Standards Board. The decision of the Campus Dean may be appealed to the President. b. The student may request a Three Person Panel to hear the case. After hearing the case, the Three Person Panel will make their recommendations regarding sanctions to the Campus Dean. The decision of the Three Person Panel may be appealed to the Campus Dean only if new, relevant, and material information exists that was not available to the Panel. c. The student may request the Professional and Ethical Standards Board to hear the case. Additionally, if the student does not choose option 1 or 2 or the Campus Dean refuses to hear the case alone and the student does not choose the 3-person panel, a Professional and Ethical Standards Board will be called. The Board will be appointed by the Campus Dean. See the Professional and Ethical Standards Board section for more information.

Rights and Obligations of the Accused Any member of the student body who is accused of a VCOM Honor Code violation and brought before the HCC shall be granted these rights and shall be bound by these obligations: A. Rights of the Accused : 3. To speak on his/her own behalf and to refrain from serving as a witness against himself/herself. 4. To be advised by any member of the College the accused chooses who agrees to advise the student, to seek counsel from his/her advisor, and to expect confidentiality. As the HCC proceedings and the appeals process are academic proceedings and not legal proceedings, legal counsel is not allowed in these sessions. If a student believes a legal proceeding is warranted, this must be done through an outside court system. 5. To receive written notice of initiation of investigation proceedings. 6. To hear all the evidence to be presented to the Honor Code Council, to be present for the presentation of the evidence, and to have the decision of the HCC be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing and not hearsay. 7. To present questions to the reporter to be asked of any witnesses at the time of the hearing. 1. To cooperate with the HCC. 2. To remain confidential and refrain from approaching any involved party or witness about the suspected violation or such action shall be considered as suspicion of interference based upon guilt. 3. To be present at the hearing 4. To refrain from retaliation or speaking to any witness regarding testimony before or after the hearing. Rights and Obligations of the Reporter Any member of the faculty, staff or student body who submits an accusation to the HCC shall be granted the following rights and agrees to be bound by the following obligations. A. Rights of the Reporter : 1. To remain anonymous until or unless an Honor Code Hearing is convened and called as a witness. 8. To receive written notice of the recommendations of the HCC. 9. To receive no retaliation from any involved party at any time. B. Obligations of the Accused: 1. To decline to speak about the suspected violation outside the HCC. 2. To be treated as if no violation has occurred until determined otherwise.

2. To decline to speak about the suspected violation outside the HCH. 3. To be kept informed of the HCH progress on the suspected violation.


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