2025-2030 VCOM Strategic Plan
Strategic Objective 5.3: Develop a portfolio of philanthropic grants and scholarships that will enhance VCOM graduates’ ability to provide care for rural and medically underserved populations. Action Steps: 5.3.1. Develop a culture of philanthropic investment to further increase grants and giving, with a future goal of $8 million annually. 5.3.2. Develop a robust pipeline to prepare alumni, donors and prospective donors to make increasingly significant current and planned gifts to all areas of the College. 5.3.3. Appoint experienced Directors on each campus to engage and capitalize on relationships with key leaders and potential donors. 5.3.4. Partner across all VCOM campuses to increase productivity in corporate and foundation grants. 5.3.5. Implement a comprehensive stewardship plan to increase donor engagement and continued giving. 5.3.6. Create innovative and effective programs to increase student, faculty and staff engagement in philanthropy. 5.3.7. Use a comprehensive advancement model to build and enhance annual giving, planned giving, and major and principal gifts. 5.3.8. Pursue new ways to provide access and to ease the process of donating to the college. 5.3.9. Embark on a major comprehensive endowment campaign designed to create significant and permanent endowments for scholarships, faculty and program support.
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