2025-2030 VCOM Strategic Plan
The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine 2025-2030 Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal 1: To be a leader in providing education in the art and science of osteopathic medicine.
Strategic Objective 1.1: Develop innovative curricular models. Action Steps: 1.1.1. Develop a rural family medicine fast track curricular program. 1.1.2. Develop a military track program that enhances military student’s clinical preparation for military residencies. 1.1.3. Enhance current global health program. 1.1.3.a. Provide global seminar on health and environment to VCOM campuses and affiliated international medical schools to enhance student education and faculty collaboration across countries. 1.1.4. Design and implement an integrated curriculum and assessment model based on requirements of the profession and the latest innovations in medical education. 1.1.5. Establish a comprehensive curriculum mapping system. 1.1.6. Establish a board preparation and advisement curriculum that integrates board preparation and test-taking strategies into the curriculum to improve board performance. Strategic Objective 1.2: Provide a holistic approach to student education and physician development. Action Steps: 1.2.1. Create a longitudinal professional development & advising program that focuses on professionalism, career advising, and soft skills. 1.2.2. Develop and implement a longitudinal holistic support program to meet the specialized needs of military affiliated students. 1.2.2.a. Create a personable orientation experience for military students. 1.2.2.b. Develop a culture and environment that embraces the interests and needs of military affiliated students. 1.2.2.c. Increase military and veteran student enrollment, retention, completion, and career success. 1.2.2.d. Increase military and veteran alumni engagement. 1.2.3. Enhance college-wide knowledge of issues and initiatives to enhance college wide diversity and inclusion as it relates to legal issues, diversity of our campuses, and support of a diverse student, faculty and staff body. 1.2.4. Utilize VCOM’s Diversity and Inclusion Committees to make recommendations to promote equity and fairness on our campuses, and to engage our faculty, staff, and students in a manner that all feel engaged, valued, and productive.
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