Faculty Handbook
based and must detail the progress the faculty member must achieve before the supervisor’s support can be attained. A faculty member denied promotion support by their supervisor may appeal the decision. In the event of an appeal based upon a supervisor’s denial of support, the written report from the supervisor will be reviewed by the Associate Dean or the Campus Dean (whichever is appropriate to appeal to). The Associate Dean or the Campus Dean may then choose to support or deny support of the promotion. • Upon receiving written notification of denial of support for promotion from the faculty member’s supervisor, the faculty member, within seven calendar days, may appeal, in writing, the supervisor’s denial of support to the Associate Dean or the Campus Dean (whichever is appropriate to appeal to). • After careful consideration of the facts and reasons and deficiencies outlined by the supervisor, the Associate Dean or the Campus Dean will notify the faculty member, in writing, of the decision regarding their support for the faculty member’s promotion within 14 calendar days from the time the appeal from the faculty member was received. The Associate Dean or the Campus Dean may choose to support the promotion or deny support for the promotion. o A letter of approval of support for the promotion by the Associate Dean or the Campus Dean must outline the reasons upon which support was granted. o A letter of denial of support for promotion by the Associate Dean or the Campus Dean must detail the reason(s) for denial and the progress the faculty member must achieve before the supervisor’s support can be obtained. Initiation for tenure for a faculty member begins with a recommendation for tenure by the Associate Dean (if an Associate Dean is applying for tenure, the process begins with the Dean). Expedited Promotion to the Rank of Assistant Professor for Obtaining a Doctoral-Level Degree or Due to Revised APT Policy A faculty member appointed to the rank of Assistant Instructor or Instructor who does not have a doctoral-level degree at the time of initial appointment, who later obtains a doctoral-level degree in a subject area appropriate to their expertise, shall be eligible for an expedited promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor, as that is considered an entry level rank for those faculty who hold a doctoral degree. These promotions in rank shall be considered by the APT Committee throughout the academic year. The faculty member in this instance must submit: • Cover letter formally requesting consideration for promotion to the academic rank of Assistant Professor; • Current Curriculum Vitae (CV); • Proof of degree; o For the purpose of accreditation and state licensure, proof of degree of an academic track faculty member whose doctoral degree comes from outside the U.S., must be accompanied by a letter from the Campus Dean that: Justifies the faculty member’s professional and scholarly achievements and/or demonstrated competences in the discipline of hire, and
States the findings of the transcript evaluation service as to the equivalency and verification process of the degree (a copy of the report from the evaluation service must be included).
The review of these candidates will follow the same procedures as other requests for promotion in rank, except that these candidates’ packets may be reviewed throughout the academic year. Additionally, as VCOM’s APT policy has changed over the years, there may be cause to review a faculty member for an expedited promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor (which is now considered an entry level rank for those
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