VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

Consensual relationships between patients and students, which extend beyond supervised patient care requirements are also not allowed. Sexual activity is not permitted in clinical settings. If a student, faculty, or staff member has access to information that is considered confidential through a relationship outside the academic setting, this is considered unethical behavior and a violation of FERPA.

Students having questions regarding such relationships should direct them to the Campus Dean.

Dress Code VCOM is a professional school; therefore, students are expected to dress and conduct themselves in a professional manner. The dress of a student in the classroom, laboratory, or small group should be one that demonstrates use of good hygiene, appearing clean, and without unpleasant body odor. Those students who are not dressed appropriately in the pre-clinical years will be informed so by Student Affairs. If the issues are recurrent or not resolved, the student will be referred to the Honor Code Council. See further information below. Dress Code in the Classroom Students in the classroom should dress in a business casual, non-provocative manner and one that demonstrates respect for fellow students and faculty. Males should wear shirts with collars and sleeves and long pants. Females should wear shirts that are professional in appearance and are not considered T-shirts or tank tops. Females may wear both skirts of appropriate length and pants that are considered to be appropriate dress. Business-casual dress is acceptable. Shorts, jeans, and hats are not allowed in the classroom. Any hood on a shirt should be worn as collars only and not to cover the head as a hat. Flip-flops are not appropriate dress in classroom or clinical setting. Closed toe shoes are recommended and often required for clinical settings. In the classroom, anatomy lab, conference rooms, auditoriums, PPC/OMM labs, or other similar venues, hats should not be worn. If a student has a compelling reason they feel would be appropriate for them to wear a hat or head covering, they should speak to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in advance. Scarves or headdresses that appear professional and are worn for religious purposes are allowed. Dress Code in the Anatomy Lab While in the anatomy lab, students must change into scrubs and closed-toe shoes. Hats may not be worn in the anatomy lab. Scarves or headdresses that appear professional and are worn for religious purposes are allowed. Dress Code in the OMM Lab The dress requirement in clinical skills training sessions is designed to promote learning by providing optimal access to diagnostic observation and palpatory experience. Wearing inappropriate clothing interferes with a partner’s experience of diagnosis and treatment. Appropriate attire must be clean. Each student doctor must be appropriately attired before class begins. Students who do not wear the required clothing will be asked to leave the lab and return when they are appropriately clothed. If the student cannot return in appropriate clothing for a significant portion of the lab, the student may receive an absence for this lab at the discretion of the PPC/OMM Chair. If a student repeatedly persists in not dressing appropriately it will be considered unprofessional conduct, and he/she will be referred to the Office of Student Affairs. • When not in the role of the patient: o Students may wear T-shirts, scrub wear, or sweatshirt/pants. However, students must be wearing the prescribed laboratory attire beneath this clothing. o Hats or head coverings (other than for religious purposes) are not permitted in the lab.


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