VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

COMLEX Level 2. As successful passage of COMLEX Level 2 is a requirement for graduation, those students who do not pass within four attempts will be dismissed by the Campus Dean.  Failed to follow the required remediation plan for a failure of the final exam of the comprehensive review course, or COMLEX Level 2. The Campus Dean will place the student on temporary withdrawal with a timeline to pass the exam.

Promotion Board Membership Members of the Promotion Board, both voting and non-voting, are appointed by the Campus Dean. Quorum is 70% of the membership of the Promotion Board. As this is not considered a legal hearing, and is instead an academic proceeding, attorneys or other representatives outside of VCOM are not allowed. A voting member of the Promotion Board must recuse themselves from the presentation, deliberation, and vote about a student with whom they have a conflict of interest by notifying the committee chair. Prior to the student's presentation at the Promotion Board, if the student identifies a conflict of interest with any member of the committee, that committee member must recuse themselves from the presentation, deliberation, and vote about the student. If a voting member of the Promotion Board is also a Course Director for a failed course or a Chair for the failed rotation, that member may participate in discussion but is excluded from voting upon a student who failed their course or rotation. Promotion Board Procedures 1. At the conclusion of the academic block/rotation the appropriate Associate Dean, appropriate for the year of the student, may convene the Promotion Board: • The Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education convenes and Chairs the Board for all OMS 1 and OMS 2 cases. • The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs convenes and Chairs the Board for all OMS 3 cases. • The Associate Dean for OMS 4 and GME convenes and Chairs the Board for all OMS 4 cases. 2. Once a student has been deemed to be experiencing difficulty in making academic progress that warrants a Promotion Board review, the appropriate Associate Dean will meet with each student to notify them of their final course grade (or component grade) and that they will be brought before the Promotion Board. • The Associate Dean will also inform the student of the Promotion Board process and answer any questions the student has. This includes making the student aware that: o Prior to the Promotion Board meeting, each student coming before the Board must submit a letter presenting any issues or considerations that they wish to make known to the Promotion Board. The student must submit any information they plan to present to the proceeding in advance.

o Student attendance at the Promotion Board meeting is required. Students in the OMS 3 or OMS 4 years who are at distant clinical sites may be approved by the Associate Dean to attend via appropriate video conferencing technology. OMS 1 – OMS 4 students with other extenuating circumstances may be approved by the Associate Dean to attend via appropriate video conferencing technology. o The CIFSS mental health counselor will be present to provide student support but will not share confidential information about the student with the Promotion Board. o The Class President may be present to discuss and answer any questions on course issues or block issues that may have impacted the class as a whole. The Class President is not in attendance to serve as a character witness or advocate for the student.


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