VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
Notice of Possible Suspension While Under Review Pending a formal review of the case, if the Campus Dean or his/her representative determines that the presence of the alleged offender would be disruptive to the school or would endanger the institution, patients, or the public, the Campus Dean or representative may suspend the student in question from the institution until all appropriate information is obtained. Choices for Review by the PESB, Three-Person Panel, or Campus Dean When notified of the need for a PESB, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will notify the student that a student, in lieu of a formal PESB review, may elect to have the matter heard by a Three-person Panel appointed by the Campus Dean or may request that the matter be heard and decided solely by the Campus Dean. The Dean may then accept or not accept the responsibility to hear the case solely by him/herself. If the Dean determines that he or she is not comfortable hearing the case solely, then the student must choose between having the case heard by the three person panel or the full PESB. If the student fails to respond within five calendar days as to their choice for review, the Campus Dean shall decide whether the matter will be reviewed by the PESB or a three-person panel. As the review of a case by the PESB, Three-person Panel, or Campus Dean and the appeals process is an academic proceeding and not a legal proceeding, legal counsel is not allowed in the sessions. If a student believes a legal proceeding is warranted, this must be done through an outside court system. Members of the Professional and Ethical Standards Board may not include members with whom they have a conflict of interest, which includes health professionals providing health services to students through a provider-patient relationship. Prior to the student's presentation at the Professional and Ethical Standards Board, if the student identifies a conflict of interest with any member of the committee, that committee member must recuse themselves from the PESB. Notice of Review by the PESB, Three-Person Panel, or Campus Dean The PESB Chair, Chair of the Three-person Panel, or the Campus Dean shall give written notice of alleged misconduct to the alleged offender at least five calendar days prior to the date of the proceedings, unless the student agrees in writing to an earlier date. The notice shall set forth the following information: the time and date of the review and a clear and concise statement of the behavior that is alleged to constitute misconduct. The notice shall state that the student has the right to present testimony and up to four witnesses on their behalf. The notice shall also state that the student, shall reply to the charges against them in writing, and shall set forth any defense against such charges and provide the reply to the PESB Chair, Chair of the Three-Person Panel, or Campus Dean no later than two calendar days prior to the review. The response by the student shall also provide a list to the PESB Chair, Three-person Panel Chair, or Campus Dean of any witnesses the student plans to call on their behalf. The time for the review may be changed at the discretion of the PESB Chair, Chair of the Three-person Panel, or Campus Dean for good cause. The PESB, Three-person Panel, or Campus Dean must determine that valid evidence is present to confirm a violation has occurred. A quorum of the PESB or Three-person Panel will consist of a majority of its voting members. All decisions require a simple majority vote of the members present. Review by the PESB Upon request of the student for his/her case to be heard by the PESB, the Campus Dean will appoint members of the PESB. The PESB shall be composed of the two Associate Deans, a representative from Student Affairs, and faculty members appointed by the Campus Dean. A representative from the Honor Code Council and the Student Government Association President (or their designee) will also be present for the information gathering of the meeting but will not be present for deliberations or voting. The Campus Dean will also appoint a Chair for the
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