VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
c. If the progress report is found to be lacking in any key areas of human subject safety, they will report this to the IRB Coordinator and/or IRB Chair Person, and the review will be subject to full board 16. Any revised documents received from the PI will be sent by email to the continuing reviewer(s) for approval or further recommendation for revision and/or will be approved by the Chair Person 17. Written approval of continuation will sent to the PI by letter and email, once final approval is granted by the Chair Person 18. All IRB members will be notified of continuing review approvals through written quarterly reports, as distributed at the next convened meeting or by email D URATION OF P ROCEDURE The VCOM Procedure on conducting and documenting continuing review established by the Institutional Review Board is effective as of the date above and shall remain effective until amended or terminated by the President and the Dean. 6.
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