VCOM Faculty Handbook
for the level of professor or for tenure) 5. Sustained mentoring or program oversight of student or resident research programs, with a history of success of students and residents in scholarly activity.
Sustained Service: 1. Service on VCOM committees and initiatives. 2. Service on VCOM’s International and Appalachian outreach programs. 3. Leadership in service recognized at the state or national level for the following:
a. serving through appointments responsible for the formulation and administration of health care services or health policy at the state or national level, b. leadership in one’s professional association through committees, councils, institutional review processes, appointments to Boards, committees, and councils, policy study and formulation reaching approval, and leadership positions c. outstanding educational service as an invited speaker within the state, national or international arenas (sustained); d. sustained professional service to the community that provides a significant benefit to the community and is reflected positively on VCOM; e. sustained professional service above and beyond those duties that the VCOM faculty member is contracted for; f. history of significant accomplishment in medical practice by proven sustained contributions to the health of a population, community, or health system g. outstanding sustained leadership experience in health care education in the healthcare setting. Tenure As a private college without state funding or a state retirement plan, tenure status at VCOM applies only in the case of sustained outstanding contributions to the College and is prescribed by the policies of VCOM. Tenure is not defined by national standards, nor by documents of the Association of University Faculty (who do not define tenure for private institutions). Tenure at VCOM is not defined by any prior legal action that has occurred at a state institution or another private institution. Based upon the stated policy of the Board, tenure applies “only to position as it relates to job security and academic freedom.” The status of tenure is a recognition of accomplishment and is not tied to the level of salary, office space, administrative role or title, or assigned duties. To be eligible for tenure, a faculty member must: • Be employed by VCOM and be engaged in full-time administration, education, research, scholarly activity, and service; • Be employed by VCOM for a minimum of seven years as a full-time faculty member at VCOM; • Be awarded the rank of Professor; and o Faculty members seeking both promotion and tenure must formally request consideration of both elements individually. Tenure is a matter for separate consideration and is made apart from promotion in rank. • Have sustained outstanding performance in the areas of teaching, research (with research funding considered as essential), scholarly activity, professional service and leadership activities, with sustained evaluations at the highest level and who have made exceptional long-term positive impacts on the College. Tenure will not be granted solely upon meeting or exceeding the seven-year period of employment, nor is it granted solely upon attaining the rank of professor. Tenure is reserved only for those reaching the level of professor who have sustained outstanding performance in the areas of education, research (with research funding considered as essential), scholarly activity, professional service and leadership activities, with sustained evaluations at the highest level and who have made exceptional long-term positive impacts on the College. Further, the faculty
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