VCOM Faculty Handbook

to that original author.

Faculty should refuse to accept any role in which they are not qualified; however, faculty must represent their abilities honestly at time of appointment and assignment of such duties. In all areas, faculty will recognize the effect of their decisions, their spoken words, and their written actions upon the programs of VCOM and each faculty member carries the responsibility to avoid verbal or written words that would: • cause interruption of VCOM’s educational programs; • adversely and unfairly criticize a student or faculty member; and/or • cause interruption of a faculty member’s or the institution’s research programs. Faculty have the right to criticize and seek revisions within VCOM but are expected to always act in a professional manner using the appropriate channels, committees, processes, and procedures that have been developed within VCOM. Faculty should voice criticisms in a manner and in venues where such criticisms will lead to revision and resolve differences and to result in continuous improvement. Faculty are expected to use professional language and not utilize language that is offensive to others. Faculty are also expected to always avoid anger, intimidation, or other unprofessional behaviors when speaking with colleagues or students. Faculty are expected to demonstrate respect for other faculty members, staff, students, and supervisors when in the process of resolution of differences. Professional behavior calls for faculty to address individual concerns directly, informally, or through the formal process. Faculty are expected to represent VCOM in a positive light to the outside community so as not to cause harm to VCOM, the students, or the other faculty. Faculty are expected to treat others with mutual respect and avoid maligning or openly criticizing them. To avoid maligning a student, faculty, or administrator, faculty should engage the Human Resources Department for concerns and address criticisms through the appropriate channels where change can occur. Whether it be in the classroom or the community at large, faculty recognize that it is unprofessional and destructive to openly criticize students, other faculty, departments, administration, or VCOM regardless of whether the criticisms are to the student body, to other students, or in a public forum. Faculty will bring their grievances to their Division Officer or to the Human Resources Department, where appropriate procedures for grievance exist and where change may be accomplished. Division Organization and Responsibility Faculty members are assigned to disciplines according to their major academic responsibilities and qualifications. As the Chairs of their Division, the Associate Deans guide and direct the business of their disciplines/departments according to the VCOM’s mission statement and the long-range plan. The Associate Dean annually evaluates the faculty member. Faculty members report directly to the Associate Dean as the division chair in accordance with the In cases where differences cannot be resolved in a normal process, a grievance process is outlined in this handbook. Faculty should defend the right of free inquiry by others and should demonstrate respect for the opinions of others. Faculty must strive to be objective in their professional judgment of colleagues.


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