VCOM Faculty Handbook
participation, funding application, and funding success.
Service specifically refers to contributions made to VCOM’s academic mission. For Clinical Track faculty, the current involvement and benefit for students from the College is considered rather than direct service to the College. Service may include, but is not limited to the following:
• Committee membership; • Admissions recruitment, screening, or interviewing; • Student organization mentor; • Assigned academic advising; • Course development; • Development of the department or VCOM;
• Professional association work related to the VCOM Mission (as determined by the College); and • Contributions of expertise while representing VCOM at the local, state, or national level; o Military service with recognition for accomplishment (by rank, service medal, or other forms of service) is considered as nationally recognized accomplishment; and • Other college service as approved by the Division Officer In addition to years of appointment at a particular rank at VCOM, years of appointment of that same rank from a previous or current academic higher education institution will also be accepted toward promotion in rank at VCOM. For example, a faculty member who held the rank of Assistant Professor at a previous institution for 2 years will be granted 2 years of service toward promotion in rank at VCOM. This faculty member would be eligible to apply for promotion in rank to Associate Professor after completing two years of academic teaching, research and service experience at the Assistant Professor level at VCOM (meeting VCOM’s criteria of 4 years of appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in order to be eligible to request promotion in rank to Associate Professor). Faculty Performance and Service Expectations for Promotion to the Ranks of Instructor, Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor A record of competence and sustained performance in each of the below areas contributes positively to a faculty member’s ability to be promoted and is measured through the annual evaluations as one of the measures when making decisions for appointment, promotion, and salary. At times, performance that is outstanding in research may outweigh the need for evaluation in the category of service and/or performance that is outstanding in service may outweigh the need for research. At no time is the requirement for performance in teaching waived. It is recognized that clinical faculty often provide services to patients. While this activity is generally not a function of VCOM, the effectiveness and outcomes of such service to the health profession and the community as a whole may merit professional or academic recognition. In these cases, professional service may be evaluated individually as to the impact and outcomes of such service. The Provost, Campus Deans, Associate Deans, and other administrators with faculty appointments will also be evaluated by their contributions through academic and administrative leadership, professional service, academic service, and scholarly activity. The criteria of these academic performance categories constitute the promotion standards used to determine rank even though their primary responsibilities are administrative. The Provost will have the discretionary power to request, to the Board, the promotion of other administrators. Administrative duties do not contribute to a tenure decision alone and tenure does not guarantee administrative roles.
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