VCOM Faculty Handbook

employee of his or her continued failure to meet performance or conduct expectations will be discussed. A formal performance improvement plan (PIP) requiring the employee’s immediate and sustained corrective action will be issued. The written warning may also include a statement indicating that the employee may be subject to additional discipline, up to and including termination, if immediate and sustained corrective action is not taken . Human Resources will assure the employee understands duties and expectations, that have been provided in writing, and assign a period, not to exceed 30 days, to improve. o If improvement does not occur following the implementation of the performance improvement plan, and termination becomes an option, written notice shall be given to the employee. The notice to the employee will occur in writing and will include the employment deficiencies and expected corrective behavior. This notice is to be signed by the supervisor and the Director for Human Resources documenting that a discussion occurred. If the employee refuses to sign the notice or agree to improve, the employee may be terminated. In this case, the employee and the supervisor will meet with the Director for Human Resource to assure the process is understood. o If the job performance does not improve within 30 days, the employment will be terminated. If the job performance improves, to the supervisor’s expectation, the employee will be placed on probation for further and continued improvement. Immediate Termination: An employee who performs their job at such a poor level so to place the institution at risk or other employees at risk may be terminated immediately without prior notice; however, in such cases the employee will be paid through the 30-day notice period. In this case, the supervising officer may initiate the process with approval by the Dean or President, or the termination may be initiated by the Dean or President. Examples include, but are not limited to: • Financial errors, fraud, or other such actions placing the institution at risk, • Behaviors that are physically threatening in nature and places students or other employees at risk, • Working on campus under the influence of alcohol or inappropriately used/illegal drugs, • Insubordination, An employee who is terminated by his or her supervisor will receive a minimum of one paycheck for two weeks beyond their termination date to provide time to find new employment. Benefits will cease when employment ceases. Employees who have contracts will follow the terms of the contract for employment and/or release. It is customary for employees to be asked to take part in an “exit interview” with a member from VCOM’s administrative team, their supervisor, or the Human Resources office. Employee’s comments may increase the efficiency and productivity of the department. Information obtained through the interview may also help to reduce turnover in the department and may result in better working conditions. Grievance Process : If the employee believes he or she is being terminated unfairly, their grievance procedure is to appeal in writing to the Director for Human Resources. The case will be reviewed by the Director for Human Resources, Dean, and President to determine if the termination is warranted. In the case that either the President, Dean, or Director for Human Resources is the person the grievance is against, a different VCOM officer will perform the review. If warranted the employee will be terminated. • Continued or excessive poor attendance, • Other threatening or high-risk behaviors.


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