VCOM Faculty Handbook
Faculty Benefits The Chief Financial Officer is responsible to the Provost to oversee the faculty payroll and benefits. The Board must approve all salary and benefits on an annual basis, through approval of the budget. Information that accurately describes the benefit plan is available for each faculty member in the Human Resources Department. All faculty members must meet with the Human Resources Department to be entered into the payroll system. Faculty benefits differ from employee benefits. Full time faculty have both faculty and employee benefits. Faculty benefits apply to all full-time faculty and certain part time faculty while employee benefits are only provided by the institution to employees of the College. Employment benefits may vary between the academic health center, the affiliated university, and VCOM. Full-time faculty who are employed by VCOM have unlimited privileges for the use of VCOM’s library, access to VCOM’s computer network, faculty development, and stipends for continuing medical education (CME) and dues. These faculty have utilization of research facilities and scholarly activity resources. These faculty are also provided the employee benefits annually as determined by administration and the board. Faculty who are considered full time or part time employed (as they employed by the College and an affiliated academic health center or are employed by an affiliated academic health center or research institute and who have part-time employment by VCOM - directly paid or leased) have VCOM library access, access to the college’s faculty development, and CME offered by the College, and have assistance with scholarly activity and research. These faculty may or may not receive CME and dues benefits, depending upon the initial contractual agreement with the academic health center or the faculty member. In general, these faculty do not receive employee benefits (other than those required by law and included in the contract). Research faculty and contractual faculty have access to faculty development, limited library access, and CME. Research faculty may have other benefits from time to time as agreed upon through the initial contractual arrangements. Salary Information Paydays All VCOM employees are paid twice a month, on the first and the sixteenth. When a payday falls on a weekend or a holiday, employees are normally paid on the preceding business day. Employees who have any questions about their check or direct deposit should talk with their campus Human Resources Director. Direct Deposit All employees of VCOM are encouraged to have their semi-monthly earnings electronically deposited into a bank account. Pay will be deposited into the employee’s bank account on each payday. Instead of a paycheck, the employee can access a “deposit advice” which details withholding information. To sign up for direct deposit, contact your campus Human Resources office. Payroll Deductions Because of various deductions that are taken from an employee’s pay, the amount of salary earned and the amount received in the check or direct deposit are different. Law requires some of the deductions and some of them are made at the employee’s request. Deductions that are required by federal and state laws are state and federal income taxes and social security.
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