VCOM - Virginia 2018 Yearbook
Awards and Honors 2017-2018 Faculty and Staff V COM’s administration, faculty and staff are continually Member, American Osteopathic Association’s House of Delegates Member, American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
Member-at-Large, Bureau of International Osteopathic Medicine, AOA and poster judge Member, National Faculty in Family Medicine; Member, Portfolio and Expanded Assessments Task Force, National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners Nominee, Osteopathic International Alliance Board of Directors Member, Opioid Curricula Workgroup Steering Committee for the Commonwealth of Virginia: appointed by Secretary of Health to Governor’s Task Force to develop educational standards and curricula for training health care providers in the safe and appropriate use of opioids to treat pain while minimizing the risk of addiction and substance abuse Member, Planning Committee for the first annual Virginia Interprofessional Summit for Addiction Education, a collaboration between the six Virginia medical schools, the Virginia Department of Health, and the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Hosted Barbara Ross-Lee, DO, as keynote speaker for the VCOM William G. Anderson, DO, Black History Series Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center, for VCOM’s Leading Global Health Series “A Perspective on US Government Response to Disaster” focusing on the United States Government’s response to the disaster in Puerto Rico as a result of Hurricane Maria Hosted seminar speaker Thomas J. Martin, MD, Chief of Medicine at the
being recognized around the world for being experts in their fields. From appointments to prestigious international boards, to awards for mentoring our own students and everything in between, VCOM employees strive for excellence. VCOM Administration
Board Member, Research Advisory Council, Auburn University’s Board of Directors Member, ACOFP House of Delegates Family Practice Program Accreditation Inspector, American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians Member, Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia’s Council of Presidents Team Chair/Inspector, Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation Appointee, Virginia Governor’s Task Force on Prescription Drug Abuse Board Member, Rural Health Research Center of Virginia AHEC, Northeast Osteopathic Medical Education Network Board Member, Board of Graduate Medical Education Consortium of Virginia (OMNEE) Member, American Osteopathic Association House of Delegates Member, American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians Member, ACOFP Congress of Delegates Evaluator, Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation Member, Board of Graduate Medical Education Consortium of Virginia (OMNEE) Chair, International Collaborative Committee, AACOM Member, Annual Conference Planning Committee; Member, Nominating Committee, AACOM Member, Medical Outreach Committee; Member, Osteopathic Clinical Research Committee, ACOFP Poster judge for research and medical outreach posters, ACOFP Convention in March 2018 Jan Willcox, DO, FACOFP Member, American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Board of Deans
Dixie Tooke- Rawlins, DO, FACOFP Completed two-year term as President of the Virginia Osteopathic
Medical Association in April 2018 Elected President of the American Osteopathic Foundation beginning in January 2018 Received the Lifetime Achievement Award by the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) in March 2018 Member, Council of Presidents of Osteopathic Colleges for AACOM Member, Governor-appointed Southwest Virginia Health Authority
Gunnar Brolinson, DO 1996— Present, Team Physician, United States Ski and Snowboard Association 2002—Present, Head
Team Physician, Virginia Tech Per Gunnar Brolinson, DO, VCOM was one of the eight principle investigators, including five DOs, recently awarded over $1 million total in AOA research grants to conduct osteopathically focused research projects. Dr. Brolinson’s grant was awarded for research in “Head impact biomechanics, concussion and osteopathic structural diagnosis and treatment.”
Dixie Tooke-Rawlins, DO, FACOFP, receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from ACOFP President Duane G. Koehler, DO, FACOFP.
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