VCOM - Virginia 2018 Yearbook
Highlights 2017-2018
VCOM’s annual Via Research Recognition Day took place in February to showcase students, faculty and researchers throughout the region. Posters and presenters covering diverse topics in biomedical, educational and clinical research where presented and the top presenters awarded. Keynote speakers presented brand-new knowledge in their fields for attendees.
For the second-annual William G. Anderson, DO, Black History Month Series, hosted by the Student National Medical Association, Barbara Ross- Lee, DO, spoke to VCOM students. Her speech touched on many aspects of being a compassionate physician. Dr. Ross-Lee is the first black woman to serve as dean of a medical school in the United States.
Accepted Students Day in March offered brand-new VCOM students the opportunity to meet everyone at VCOM and learn in-depth information about their new school. The event gave them the chance to get to know Blacksburg and begin planning for their first year of medical school.
The Class of 2018 found out where they would be going to residencies on February 5th for those with osteopathic matches and March 19th for allopathic matches. Seeing the lists were an exciting start to a new chapter. Proudly, living out the Mission, many students chose primary care residencies!
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