VCOM - Virginia 2017 Yearbook
MMSA Medical Muslim Student Association
Atahar Mannan, President; Hyder Husain, Vice President; Maryam Zaazhoa, Secretary/Treasurer
T he Medical Muslim Student Association (MMSA) seeks to bring awareness to the medical community at large about health-related issues that are unique to Muslim patients. MMSA connects students to upperclassmen, VCOM alumni and medical professionals. The organization also provides services to the local community through outreach efforts and health education to enhance healthcare for everyone. ■ ■ On June 6, 2016, MMSA held their annual Fast-a-Thon. Students and faculty who are not Muslim were invited to learn about the importance of fasting. Those participating fasted for one day and broke the fast with their peers.
■ ■ MMSA held a potluck to celebrate the Muslim holiday Eid-ul-Adha on September 23, 2016. Students and faculty of all faiths brought food and shared a meal together. MMSA provided discussion topics and games to encourage bonding. ■ ■ On February 11, 2017, MMSA provided services to a local mosque at their third annual community health fair. The group provided preventative healthcare information and addressed concerns from the community.
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