VCOM - Virginia 2016 Yearbook
SNMA Student National Medical Association
My Dung Ha, President; Kiwan Wright, Vice President; Tameem Sbaiti, Secretary; Kritika Joshi, Treasurer
T he Student National Medical Association (SNMA) was started to address the issues and concerns of both minority medical students and minority communities, both of whom are underrepresented in healthcare. While being an underrepresented student is not a requirement for membership, the organization focuses on creating opportunities for VCOM students to engage medical minority populations through community health initiatives. ■ ■ The VCOM Multicultural Show is an event that is annually hosted by the Student National Medical Association
the Graduate Life Center Auditorium at Virginia Tech and the entire VCOM–Virginia community was invited. The production consisted of acts that demonstrated of the various cultures represented at VCOM. There was a fashion and talent portion to the show, and the night ended with a catered array of foods from various ethnic backgrounds to celebrate the many cultures represented at VCOM. ■ ■ SNMA held a Mini-Med School each block for the Virginia Tech undergraduate clubs MAPS - minority association of pre-health students and Pre-SOMA, where the students participated with a classroom lecture, practice hands-on
skills like using a stethoscope, OMM techniques, cranial nerve exam, as well as visit VCOM's anatomy lab. ■ ■ The organization raised $525 for the malnutrition program with the James Moody Adams Clinic in Honduras. ■ ■ Diversity Panel of professors and clinicians was held to talk about their experiences in medicine as it related to their culture, race, ethnicity and religion. ■ ■ Jubilee Church Community Health Fair was held in Fairlawn, Virginia to provide the community with information on cardiovascular diseases.
to embrace the diversity of VCOM. It took place at
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