VCOM - Virginia 2016 Yearbook

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is known for its pristine beaches, as well as rain forests, savannas and highlands.

T he VCOM Verón Rural Clinic in the Dominican Republic provides medical care for an impoverished community with a surrounding population of approximately 60,000. The clinic is an ongoing endeavor launched in 2006 through a collaborative partnership among VCOM, the Punta Cana Foundation, and the Secretary of Public Health and Social Assistance in the Dominican Republic. One milestone in VCOM’s Dominican Republic outreach was establishing a partnership with the Appalachian College of Pharmacy (ACOP). ACOP hired a full-time pharmacist for the Verón Rural Clinic and continues to educate pharmacy students on international rotations.

As part of VCOM’s partnership with the Punta Cana Foundation, faculty and students provide yearly First Responder training to Punta Cana Resort and Club employees, as well as Basic Disaster Life Support for community and airport emergency services. Outreach Trips 2015-2016 In October 2015, students from the Virginia campus of VCOM medical outreach where three VCOM alumni participated as preceptors. Twenty four second- year and three third-year medical students made the journey. Over 700 patients received medical attention through the VCOM longitudinal and sustainable community health program. traveled to the Dominican Republic for a one-week

From April 9 to 16, 2016, a group of VCOM students, faculty and staff, and several volunteers traveled to the Dominican Republic for a week- long medical outreach trip. On the trip were 23 second-year and two fourth-year medical students accompanied by three VCOM alumni. The VCOM medical outreach team set up a temporary clinic each day to provide medical care in and around Verón. The team cared for over 700 impoverished patients during the course of the week. For follow-up care, patients were referred to the Verón Rural Clinic. In addition to the daily clinics, the group enjoyed a day off at a nearby beach.


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