VCOM View Vol 11 No 1
In Memoriam Stephen Douglas Blood, DO 1942-2021 D r. Blood passed away at his home on Saturday, September 25, 2021 following a lengthy battle with inclusion body myositis. He was surrounded by his family, his two surviving children and his wife of 45 years. A lifelong resident of Alexandria, VA, Blood was born on July 9,1942, the eldest of three children of Dr. Harold and Laura (Locke) Blood. He attended the University of Richmond and Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, MO, and held a residency in Portland, ME, before returning to Alexandria to join his father’s medical practice in 1973. Blood’s greatest passions were treating patients, training new doctors, participating in Kiwanis and professional organizations and worshiping at Trinity United Methodist Church. When not working, he enjoyed the water most, sailing the Chesapeake Bay or swimming in the Atlantic with his family. Proximity to water signaled some of the few times he could be seen without his ever-present bow-tie. Dr. Blood is survived by his wife Connie; daughter Laura (Scott) Kaplan, son Christian (David Elkins) Blood; brother Fred (Michele) Blood, sister Susan Wilson; two loving grandsons, nieces, nephews, and extended family. Blood was preceded in death by his son, Stephen, Jr.
Dr. Stephen Blood Emergency Fund Established by the family, friends, and patients of Dr. Stephen Blood, this fund provides short-term loans to current VCOM students experiencing a crisis causing extreme financial distress that may threaten a student’s ability to continue his or her education at VCOM. Your Donations Mattered: This fund has helped over 20 VCOM students with various medical emergencies and other crises resulting in financial distress.
A memorial service will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church, Alexandria, VA once it is safe to travel and gather.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Dr. Stephen Blood Emergency Fund at the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, c/o Development department at 2265 Kraft Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060 or Trinity United Methodist Church.
Donate Online: You may also securely
donate online at https://www. and choose the “Dr. Stephen Blood Emergency Fund” from the drop-down menu.
For more information, please contact: VIRGINIA & LOUISIANA: Thim Corvin 540-231-7189, or Sara Jamison 540-231-3584 AUBURN: Elliott MacIssac 334-442-4015 CAROLINAS: Tammy Whaley 864-327-9995, or Christopher Fadel 864-327-9918 VCOM is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
winter 2021 | VCOM V iew M agazine 51
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