VCOM View Vol 10 No 1

Groundbreaking Celebration Later in 2018, VCOM and ULM held a joint groundbreaking ceremony, that marked the official start to the building process, though construction wouldn’t truly begin for another few weeks. Mike Hamrick, AIA, of Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, served as the architect for the Louisiana facility. The layout of the new four-story, 90,000-square-foot building was based largely on the VCOM-Auburn facility, which was also designed by Hamrick. Construction of the facility was completed by Lincoln Builders of Ruston, Louisiana. Accreditation Process Begins The following spring, VCOM- Louisiana received its initial approval from the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) to recruit students to the new branch. Thus, the College began accepting applications for the Class of 2024 in June of 2019. The first round of interviews was held on September 27, 2019, and continued throughout the next several months. Construction Completed After more than a year of working out of temporary offices in ULM’s Sandel Hall, Morrison and the small number of VCOM-Louisiana staff moved into the brand-new facility in early February of 2020. Only a month later, they, along with the rest of the VCOM branches, would find themselves working in a largely remote capacity as COVID-19 quickly spread across the state and country.

See the time lapse video of the construction of the campus (scroll down) :

Photo courtesy of ULM Waterski Team


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