VCOM Louisiana Research Day Program
Education Research
Brooklynn Runyan, OMS-I 1 ; Samantha Thurman, OMS-I 1 ; Jacob Barnett, OMS-I 2 ; Schenatsar Dorvilier 3 ; Meghan Wilson, PhD 2,3 1 Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine-Louisiana; 2 Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine-Virginia; 3 Bluefield University 46 USE OF A THERAPY DOG IN A CLASSROOM SETTING TO REDUCE ACADEMIC-RELATED STRESS AND ANXIETY
Context: Interactions with a certified therapy dog team (i.e., dog and handler) can positively influence academic achievement, behavioral success, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of belonging in educational settings. Primary schools that have utilized the presence of a therapy dog for reading programs have found that students experienced greater perceived well-being and heightened sense for reading achievement. In higher education, animal interactions on exam days have shown reductions in test-related anxiety. These positive associations with therapy dog interactions persist at all levels of academia but the type, duration, and frequency of interactions with therapy dogs are variable and often times, inconsistent. The Masters of Arts in Biomedical Science (MABS) program offered through Bluefield University, in partnership with Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM), is an intensive 1-year Master’s program that guarantees a student a seat at VCOM in the following year if they meet the benchmark GPA, MCAT score, and receive a positive faculty interview. As a result of this, many students are combating consistent stress, anxiety, and depression centered on the successful completion of this program to achieve their ultimate goal; acceptance to medical school.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if the presence of a therapy dog in the classroom setting, on most days of the week, would impact the levels of stress, anxiety and depression felt by the students in the MABS program. Methods: A pre-survey was distributed to all students in the MABS program at the start of the 2022 academic school year to assess baseline depression, anxiety, and stress in their daily lives (using the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS21). When the first semester concluded in November, the students received a mid-program survey which asked the DASS 21 again, to determine change scores, as well as inquiring about their interactions with the therapy dog, Sunny. Results: Of the 100 total MABS students, 61 responded to the pre-program survey and 50 responded to the mid-program survey. On a scale of 0 to 3 (0= did not apply to me at all; 3 = applied to me very much), data from the DASS21 increased in all categories; depression, anxiety, and stress, by 1.38, 0.24, and 2.78, respectively. Regarding the interactions with Sunny, 39 students reported interacting with Sunny and 9 reported not interacting with her. Stress levels following the interactions
with Sunny were reported as low for 80% of students (n= 33), unchanged for 17% (n= 7) and moderately increased for 3% (n=1). As for the learning environment, 80% (n=36) of students reported that Sunny improved the learning environment and 20% (n=9) reported that there was no change. Students reported that, “…”her [Sunny] presence helped lighten the mood of the classroom (especially on days after exams)” and “although I myself don’t interact with Sunny, I do believe she had a big influence on my peers and helped relieve their stress.” Conclusion: Although overall and daily depression, stress, and anxiety levels increased as the semester progressed, interactions with the therapy dog were able to reduce stress at time of interaction and the presence of a therapy dog in the classroom was favored by most students. To date, this study is the first to assess the implementation of a therapy dog within the classroom setting of a higher education, intensive 1-year program.
61 2023 Via Research Recognition Day
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