VCOM Faculty Handbook
amount of an employee’s attention. However, under no circumstances should long distance telephone calls be made by an employee and charged to a VCOM account, even if subsequent reimbursement is made. Personal visits during working hours should never be permitted to interrupt the performance of the employee’s job or to interfere in any way with co-workers. Timely and Regular Attendance 1. Planned absences should be arranged with the employee’s supervisor in advance. 2. Unexpected absences should be reported to the employee’s supervisor as promptly as possible, as determined by departmental management. 3. Repeated absences that are not reported promptly or are unexcused may result in dismissal. 4. Extended absences require full written weekly approvals at the request of the supervisor or administration. Dependable Application of Time Employees are expected to work on their assigned duties during the full schedule for which they are compensated. If employees have not been assigned tasks to fill their workday, employees are expected to ask their supervisors for tasks to complete. Travel VCOM’s Business Travel and CME/CE Travel Policy (#U022) details all travel related information for those employees who will travel for business. All employees who plan to be compensated for travel must read the travel policies in advance and adhere strictly to the policies to be eligible for reimbursement. Violence in the Workplace Policy VCOM has a policy of zero tolerance for violence in the workplace. Employees who engage in any violence in the workplace or threaten violence in the workplace will be subject to discipline, including immediate termination. Violence includes, but is not limited to, physically harming another employee, shoving, pushing, harassing, intimidating, coercing, brandishing weapons, and threatening or talking of engaging in any of these activities. Any threat, intimidating behaviors, and other prohibited behaviors are to be reported immediately to the employee’s direct supervisor, VCOM Human Resources Director, or any senior administrative officer. Acts deemed as violence will also be cause for notification of authorities. Workplace Site Expectations, Requirements, and Working Remotely The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine is composed of four campuses. In the higher administration, the Vice Presidents and/or Vice Provosts have assigned duties to four campuses. Campus Deans are assigned to one campus. All employees have an assigned “home” campus that is considered the primary workplace. The employee is expected to work on the “home” campus unless prior approval has been provided. The majority of full-time employees are expected to work on campus a minimum of 40 hours per week. Part-time employees are expected to work on campus for the number of hours for which they employee is paid. While remote work may be a viable work option for a few positions, work done remotely must be approved in advance by the following: 1) Supervisor and Division Officer, 2) Campus Dean or Vice President or Vice Provost, and 3) President. A copy of the signed approval must be placed in the employee’s file. Remote work is defined as work done from home or any satellite location other than the assigned campus. VCOM is committed to providing in-person instruction and in-person support for all students. VCOM is also committed to providing in-person support for faculty and staff who are working on campus. As a result, the campus
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