VCOM Faculty Handbook

of a conflict involving an OMS 3 or OMS 4 student, the student will be re-assigned to a rotation with another faculty member. In event that a faculty member, fellow, resident, or other allied health professional has not already recused themselves from assessment duties and a student is assigned to an educational environment in which the faculty member, fellow, or resident assigned to assess the student has previously provided health care services to the student, the student must advise (without breaching confidentiality) the Associate Dean for Medical Education (for OMS 1 and OMS 2 students) or the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs (for OMS 3 and OMS 4 students) and the student will be re-assigned or grading will be conducted by another faculty member. A member of the Promotion Board, Professional and Ethical Standards Board, or Honor Code Council must recuse themselves from the presentation, deliberation, and vote about a student with whom they have a conflict of interest by notifying the committee chair. Prior to the student's presentation at the Promotion Board, if the student identifies a conflict of interest with any member of the committee, that committee member must recuse themselves from the presentation, deliberation, and vote about the student. An admissions interviewer or must recuse themselves from any participation in the admissions process (including attending committee meetings, screening applications, interviewing) for any applicant with whom they have any conflict of interest. The conflict will be resolved by reassigning the applicant to a different interviewer. A member of the Admissions Committee must recuse themselves from the presentation, deliberation, and vote about an applicant with whom they have any conflict of interest, as defined by the list above, by notifying the committee chair. VCOM’s Mental Health Counselors may not assess students or make decisions about a student’s advancement, graduation, or dismissal. Email and Voice Mail All electronic communications are the property of VCOM and not considered a faculty member’s personal property. Therefore, email is not considered confidential and should be reserved for work related use only. 1. The purpose of email and voice mail is to facilitate communicating business- or work-related items in a timely and efficient manner. Email is a written means of communication and as such, all users should exercise good judgment and common sense when creating and distributing email messages. 2. Forgery (or attempted forgery) of email messages is prohibited. 3. Unauthorized actions or attempts to read, copy, modify, or delete email or voice mail messages of other users are also prohibited. 4. No messages may be transmitted under an assumed name, nor may any user attempt to obscure the origin of any message. 5. Sending unsolicited junk mail or ‘for profit’ messages is prohibited. 6. Email may be archived for back-up purposes and may be reviewed by VCOM at the time of delivery or at a later. 7. Texting, twittering, chat, instant messaging and other non-work-related emails is not allowed during work hours. Employment of Relatives Direct supervision of an employee by a direct relative(s) is generally not allowed. If two employees in the same department are family members or marry, and one is placed in the position of evaluating, rewarding, or disciplining the other, one of them must either transfer to a vacancy within three months, or must provide an alternate


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