Faculty Handbook
faculty who hold a doctoral degree) if, per former policy, they were initially appointed to the rank of Assistant Instructor or Instructor but had a doctoral-level degree at the time of initial appointment. These promotions in rank shall be considered by the APT Committee throughout the academic year. A faculty member may request such an expedited promotion, or the appropriate Associate Dean may request this of the APT Committee. Proof of the doctoral level degree must be submitted as part of the review process. Faculty Portfolio for Consideration of Promotion in Rank A faculty member seeking a promotion in academic rank or tenure assumes the responsibility for preparing a detailed portfolio summarizing and documenting professional credentials and accomplishments in teaching, research, scholarly activity, service, and leadership (if in an administrative leadership role). 1. Cover letter formally requesting consideration for promotion or tenure that specifies the rank sought (Assistant Instructor, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor); 2. Completed Academic Rank Promotion Matrix (currently only for academic and research track faculty); • Promotions in academic rank are key milestones in the career of faculty members. In addition to specific, minimum career-track requirements (e.g., education, years of service) defined by the College, promotions in academic rank are based on the contributions of faculty members in medical education, research and scholarly activity, and service/outreach. The Academic Rank Promotion Matrix uses a scoring system to frame the appropriate levels of accomplishment in these areas for promotion in academic rank. This innovative tool can be used to assess faculty members' readiness for promotion and may also pinpoint areas in need of further development, thereby improving their prospects for advancement. It can also facilitate the evaluation of candidates by the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) committee. Thus, this tool is designed to enhance the transparency and efficacy of the process for faculty promotion in academic rank. No promotions in academic rank should be solely based on a point system. Important intangible aspects that will also be evaluated include the individual’s commitment to College values, including professionalism, integrity, compassion, altruism, knowledge, critical thinking, and duty to the College. The promotion process, and this matrix, are meant to describe and reward continued professional growth and achievement. 3. Current Curriculum Vitae (CV), which should include accomplishment in the areas of teaching, research and scholarly activity, service, and leadership (if in an administrative leadership role); 4. Proof of a current medical license in the state in which they practice with no sanctions for physicians in the patient care environment; 5. Proof of board certification or board eligibility in the specialty being taught at some time in their career for physicians in the patient care environment at a VCOM affiliated core rotation site; • Proof of board certification may be in the form of: o A copy of the certificate; or o A verification report obtained from the certifying board. • Proof of board eligibility may be in the form of: o Proof of post-graduate training and proof of current state medical licensure when initial board certification has not been granted; or o Proof of initial board certification and current state medical licensure. 6. Proof of any additional training certificates received after initial appointment if applicable; 7. Faculty Activity Reports (FAR) from HR for all years since the last appointment; 8. QAC reports, preceptor evaluations completed by students, and any other evaluations of teaching since the last appointment; 9. For those seeking tenure, the application should include a letter from the faculty member outlining the exceptional sustained contributions to the College that have been made and that will be continued over the next seven years; and
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