VCOM Faculty Handbook
Sustained Teaching Effectiveness: 1. Teaching experience of significant time commitment with sustained positive evaluations by learners and demonstrating teaching effectiveness and positive evaluations by supervisors. 2. Doctorate or expected terminal degree with evidence of continued education to maintain the most current knowledge. 3. Clinical faculty must demonstrate completion of residency and/or specialty training (after 1990) with original board certification accomplished for Clinical Faculty teachers. (Maintenance of certification may apply to fields that require such certifications and/or must show sustained continuing education to maintain educational expertise). 4. Additional training and/or degrees that advance the educational programs are considered (including but not limited to faculty development fellowships, health policy fellowships, teaching degrees or fellowships) 5. Expertise and sustained positive performance as a course director or administrator of an educational program. 6. Creation of original high quality educational materials used by VCOM in the delivery of educational programs. 7. Creation of high-quality educational materials used by the educational world outside of VCOM may also be considered for promotion to Professor. 8. Sustained performance that includes educational presentations at local, regional and national continuing medical education (CME) programs or national medical educational meetings apply as well as recognized sustained innovative contributions to medical education knowledge. Sustained Research and Scholarly Activity: 1. Sustained quality and significant quantity of publications over a period of time. 2. Sustained VCOM research with a history of accomplishment through publications of original scholarly work in peer-reviewed professional journals. (letters to editor, or opinion publications do not apply) 3. Invited participation at the state or national level in the research peer-review process including review committees, editorial boards, or equivalent. 4. Sustained grant funding or research support for research programs with a history of extramural funding benefiting one’s institution (required of all those with protected time for research when being considered for the level of professor or for tenure) 5. Sustained mentoring or program oversight of student or resident research programs, with a history of success of students and residents in scholarly activity.
Sustained Service: 1. Service on VCOM committees and initiatives. 2. Service on VCOM’s International and Appalachian outreach programs. 3. Leadership in service recognized at the state or national level for the following:
a. serving through appointments responsible for the formulation and administration of health care services or health policy at the state or national level, b. leadership in one’s professional association through committees, councils, institutional review processes, appointments to Boards, committees, and councils, policy study and formulation reaching approval, and leadership positions c. outstanding educational service as an invited speaker within the state, national or international arenas (sustained); d. sustained professional service to the community that provides a significant benefit to the community and is reflected positively on VCOM; e. sustained professional service above and beyond those duties that the VCOM faculty member is contracted for;
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