VCOM Faculty Handbook
The VCOM Mission as Applied to Faculty The MISSION of the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) is best described through both the primary mission and the goals of the institution. As the College Mission drives the work of all divisions and departments, faculty should evaluate their work and contributions in light of the mission as well as their criteria based job descriptions. All faculty duties fall within teaching, research and scholarly activity, and college service. VCOM Code of Ethics The VCOM administration and faculty value professionalism and ethical behavior as essential qualities of a faculty member. All VCOM administration and faculty attest to these values and sign a code of ethics when becoming a faculty member whereby they agree to abide by this code as criteria for employment. All faculty, whether full time or part time are expected to abide by the code of ethics as found in this Handbook. The code includes the AOA Code of Ethics, the VCOM Statement on Professional Ethics, and the professional expectations in this document. These values are those maintained by the faculty as a whole and by each faculty member. In addition to the professional expectations, VCOM faculty recognize and hold themselves to the highest standards to maintain their knowledge at the highest level, to utilize evidence based medicine and critical thinking in their teaching methods, and to instill in each student compassion through their daily work with the students, holding the education and support of the students as most important.
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