VCOM Faculty Handbook

Associate Deans for Simulation and Technology The Associate Deans for Simulation and Technology oversee the operations and the success of the Center for Simulation and Technology on each campus. The Associate Deans for Simulation and Technology oversee all staff who support the department and assure quality and consistency in grading in this arena. The Associate Deans for Simulation and Technology are responsible to each Campus Dean to administer the center in a manner that supports education and testing on their individual campuses. The Associate Deans works collaboratively with the Associate Deans for Medical Education and Associate Deans for Clinical Education to assure quality of curriculum delivery and testing in the Center. The Associate Deans for Simulation and Technology are also responsible for all research, scholarly activity, and intellectual property development in the Centers to the Vice Provost for Research. Associate Deans for OMS 4 and Graduate Medical Education The Associate Deans for OMS 4 and Graduate Medical Education meet with the GME affiliates for each campus and assure the educational and research needs of the College affiliated GME programs are met. The Associate Deans for OMS 4 and GME assure the Discipline Chairs develop a working relationship with the GME programs within their discipline to facilitate student placement. The Associate Deans for OMS 4 and GME are responsible both to the Campus Deans and to the Vice Provost for GME Development to identify potential sites for GME and work with the VP to develop the program to assure there is an adequate number of GME sites to meet the needs of the graduates. The Associate Deans meet with each affiliated program within their state annually to assess resources and needs and to provide the appropriate resources to the best of the College’s ability. The Associate Deans also facilitate the organization of on-campus and on-site education programs for the residents for clinical procedural skills and competency based education; working with the Vice Provost for Simulation and Technology to organize and deliver those programs. Department Chair for Clinical Sciences The primary role of the Clinical Sciences Department Chair is to promote and advance the mentorship and development of the clinical faculty for teaching, scholarship, and service. The appointment of the Clinical Sciences Chair is by the Dean but includes consideration input provided by the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and the Associate Dean for Medical Education. Department Chair for Biomedical Sciences The primary role of the Biomedical Sciences Department Chair is to promote and advance the mentorship and development of the Biomedical faculty for teaching, scholarship, and service. The appointment of the Biomedical Sciences Chair is by the Dean but includes consideration input provided by the Associate Dean for Biomedical Affairs and the Associate Dean for Medical Education. Clinical Discipline Chairs Clinical Discipline Chairs oversee the clinical faculty within their discipline and provide education within the clinical hospital and regional sites. The Clinical Discipline Chairs assure the clinical curriculum is a continuum across all four years. On campus, they assure the curriculum is deemed appropriate through the campus wide chairs meeting and is sent to and approved by the Curriculum Oversight Committee. The Clinical Discipline Chairs also determine the curriculum for the third and fourth years within their discipline. These Chairs prepare all syllabi for the courses for which they serve as Course Director and are responsible to the Associate Dean for Medical Education for this content. The Clinical Chairs determine the rotation curriculum and provide and annually update all syllabi and rotation information to the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs for posting. The Clinical Discipline Chairs serve in overseeing courses. The Discipline Chairs across campuses meet on all content and testing modes and assure consistency across campuses. The Clinical Discipline Chairs review student success in the courses they direct and on the rotations they direct, provide feedback to any students experiencing difficulty, and arrange all remediation. Clinical Discipline Chairs must be board-certified and must be involved in some clinical practice to retain medical


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