VCOM Faculty Handbook

Any medical information obtained will be held in strict confidence. Military Leave Active Duty

Employees are eligible for leave without pay for active duty with the Armed Forces (for up to four years) or for the initial active-duty period required for entering a reserve component. Employees may choose to use their annual leave balances during this time so that they will receive pay. To qualify for active-duty leave, employees must furnish their department with orders or documentation from a responsible military official, which indicates the specific active-duty dates. As with all leave requests, employees should give their supervisor as much advance notice as possible. If an employee is scheduled to report for a physical examination for military service during work hours, they may be granted the time necessary with pay (up to eight hours). Employees should contact their supervisor or VCOM Human Resources Director for detailed information about active military leave and reinstatement requirements. Reserve Duty Employees are eligible for leave with pay for up to 15 days in a federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) for military training duty if they are a member of any reserve component of the Armed Forces or the National Guard. To qualify for reserve duty leave, employees must furnish the supervisor with a copy of their orders or other documentation from a responsible military official. Only the dates specified in the orders may be charged to reserve duty leave. Employees should give their supervisor as much notice as possible before the employee must leave for training. If an employee needs to be away from work for more than the allowed 15 workdays, the other days must be charged to annual leave balances or to leave without pay. Employees may be granted leave with pay for the time required (not exceeding eight hours) for an annual physical examination if it must be scheduled during work hours. Employees should contact their supervisor or the VCOM Human Resources Director for more detailed information. Health Insurance All eligible VCOM employees are offered health insurance. Employees are encouraged to refer to their provider catalog provided during the orientation for specific coverage. If an employee has any questions regarding their health or dental coverage, please contact the customer service telephone number on the provider catalog. It is also listed on the insurance cards. The insurance plan is determined by the President’s office and is approved by the Board. The insurance benefit plan is subject to change from time to time. Types of Coverage Two types of healthcare coverage are available to VCOM employees: • Employee-Only • Employee-Family (spouse plus unmarried dependent children aged 26 or under) Cost VCOM currently pays all the premiums for high deductible healthcare coverage and most of the premium for KeyCare healthcare coverage. Employees’ share of the cost will be deducted from the employee’s paycheck on a semi-monthly basis. Employees may choose to take bundled health and dental coverage or health coverage only during open


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