VCOM Faculty Handbook

sick leave if they are sick or injured or for medical appointments when they cannot schedule them at times other than during work hours. This leave may also be utilized to care for a child, minor dependent, spouse or parent (as defined by FMLA) who is ill or injured. In the event an employee is absent due to illness or injury, the employee must notify their supervisor or Division Officer to whom that employee reports as soon as they know they will be absent or as soon as physically possible. An employee may use up to three consecutive days of medical leave without a physician’s excuse. In the event an employee must be absent for an illness for greater than three consecutive days, or for more than ten working days of leave for illness throughout the year, or where the absence causes a serious interruption of the educational program, a physician’s written medical verification may be required at the discretion of the Division Officer. The verification of illness by a physician must be submitted to the Director for Human Resources and the Division Officer and must include the anticipated date of return and any work limitations upon return. Only the Division Officer may extend approval for medical leave beyond three consecutive days. If the employee knows that time away from work will be three consecutive days or longer, medical verification should be obtained prior to the leave. Medical leave may not be carried over into a different fiscal year. Employees are not compensated for unused sick leave when they leave VCOM. Using Medical Leave (Sick Leave) for Grief Employees may also use up to 80 hours (10 working days) of their medical leave for the death of a child, spouse, or parent, if not already using Family Medical Leave. Paid leave for the purpose of loss of a child, spouse or parent may not exceed 80 hours in a calendar year. Paid leave for the purpose of loss of a relative who is not a child, spouse, parent, who is living with the employee in their home and for whom the employee is the primary person responsible for the relative’s care may be considered by the Division Officer. Using Medical Leave (Sick Leave) for Disability Medical Leave may be used for absences related to a disability that prevents the employee from performing their duties. A disability may result from illness, injury, or health problems including those related to pregnancy or childbirth. Employees must furnish the Division Officer with a physician’s statement that outlines the extent of the disability and expected date the employee will be able to resume their normal duties. When these circumstances are known in advance, such as in cases of scheduled surgery or childbirth, an employee should give the supervisor advance notice of the event. The medical leave days can be combined with additional days for short-term disability (see the short-term disability section for details). Using Medical Leave Adjacent to FMLA Medical Leave may be used for the portion of time before and after childbirth if the need for such leave is certified as medically necessary by a doctor. Employees must furnish the Division Officer with a physician’s statement that outlines the medical necessity of the leave. Employees must submit an update every two weeks (or shorter if the leave is for shorter periods) if the total time exceeds the six weeks of leave normally provided for childbirth. Additional time off may be allowed under the Family Medical Leave Act (see the family medical leave section for details). Short-Term Disability and Family and Medical Leave Benefits Employees may be eligible for certain amounts of paid medical leave and family leave under the Family and Medical Leave Policy, and in approved cases an employee may also be granted unpaid leave to extend leave time. All full time VCOM employees are eligible to participate in paid medical or family leave benefits. To be eligible for FMLA, an employee must have worked for VCOM at least 12 months and at least 1,250 hours in the past 12 months immediately preceding the leave.


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