VCOM Faculty Handbook
increased vacation are specified in the contract. Faculty must submit vacation requests online for approval by their supervisor. Adherence to the leave process will allow the Discipline or Department Chairs and Course Directors the ability to assess the leave as it relates to other obligations. As a matter of integrity and professional behavior, full time faculty must report all time they are absent from their duties and the reason they are absent from work using t the TimeClock Plus leave management system. Employees absent from work, without completing such documentation, are engaged in unprofessional behavior, and in some cases, unethical behavior (receiving pay for time not worked) and may result in dismissal. Faculty members who work greater than 10 years for the college may have an additional vacation day for each five years, awarded at the discretion of the Campus Dean and Provost.
Annual Leave Table for Full-time Teaching Faculty Full-time Status
Leave Days Earned Per Year
40 + hours per week 32 hours per week
20 days 16 days
Holidays VCOM observes standard holidays. The following days are currently observed as paid holidays for VCOM employees: Holiday Date Martin Luther King Jr. Day Third Monday of January Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 th Labor Day 1 st Monday in September Thanksgiving Day 4 th Thursday in November Day After Thanksgiving Friday after Thanksgiving Winter Break December 24 th , 25 th , 31 st , and January 1 st Employee’s Birthday Floating Holiday Certain holidays falling on the weekend will be observed either on the Friday before the holiday or the Monday after the holiday they do not include the floating holidays. If an employee is on military or educational leave without pay during a holiday, the employee will not receive an alternate day off. VCOM will make reasonable accommodation for change in holiday dates for the religious needs of employees if such accommodation will not cause disruption of the educational program or cause the organization undue hardship. Leave for this purpose will come from annual leave or in trade for a holiday and requires approval in advance. Use of Annual Leave Scheduling and approval of vacation time is the responsibility of the faculty member with approval by the appropriate Associate Deans with input from Course Directors. In general, vacations should be taken at a time that does not interrupt the educational program (the month of July, block break or in some cases the weeks that immediately precede the break when students are in testing and can occur in weeks during the block ONLY IF the
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