VCOM Faculty Handbook
stations regarding school closings or delays; however, if students or employees see or hear an announcement on TV or radio, they should also call the information line or check their text and email messages to confirm the closing, delay, or announcement. The VCOM information line will handle approximately five calls at once, so all callers are asked to clear the line as soon as the message is heard. VCOM makes every effort to notify students, staff, and faculty by 7:00 a.m. We ask that you use your own best judgment of whether to travel on snow covered or icy roads, as well as the VCOM parking lot and sidewalks. Any time VCOM is listed as closed, students will not have access to the building, but faculty and staff may. Class rescheduling due to closings or delays will be announced via VCOM email. Students are responsible for checking their email and for making sure their email account does not exceed the space allotted so that they receive all official emails. VCOM’s official information line: Virginia campus 540-231-1694, Carolinas campus 864-327-9900, Auburn campus 334-442-4500, Louisiana campus 318-342-7200 Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens While it would be rare for an employee at VCOM to be exposed to bloodborne pathogens in fulfilling their duties at VCOM, if an employee is exposed, they should follow these steps: 1. Any employe who has had a potential exposure to blood or body fluids should immediately wash the affected area with soap and water. If the exposure involves the eyes or mucous membranes, they should be immediately flushed with copious amounts of water. 2. Following irrigation of the affected area, the exposure should be immediately reported to the appropriate the Director for Human Resources. 3. Employees involved in an occupational exposure must seek medical attention to ensure that appropriate medical care relating to the exposure is provided. Human Resources will assist the employee in arranging follow-up with a healthcare provider for testing. The follow-up can be with the employee’s physician or a local urgent care provider. • If the patient has no known infectious diseases, medical care may only involve simple testing measures. • If know infectious diseases do exist, a more extensive follow up may be needed. Medical follow up is time sensitive and must occur within 2 hours if the exposure involves a known HIV positive source or within 4-6 hours for certain other exposures. Employees are reminded that HIV drug prophylaxis (when indicated) is time sensitive when the exposure is considered a high-risk exposure. Parking Regulations Free parking for employees is adjacent to the main campus. Reserved parking is located along the front circle, primarily for VCOM officers, visitors, and handicapped parking. At the time of hire, all VCOM employees are provided with the form to obtain a VCOM parking tag. Pets No pets, including, but not limited to, dogs, cats, birds, other animals, reptiles, or fish are permitted in any of the campus buildings or clinical sites. Apart from fish, the pets listed above are not accepted in clinical housing. Physicians who are exposed should follow the guidelines established by their practice facility.
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