VCOM - Carolinas 2018 Yearbook

International Outreach A highlight of the student experience at VCOM-Carolinas is the opportunity to travel to and serve in remote sites where physician shortages are so keenly felt. International outreach trips offer students hands-on educational experience that inspires many to continue mission work in their future careers. VCOM's international program has reported new and exciting developments, including construction and facility improvements for VCOM-affiliated clinics in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Honduras. In Santa Rosa, Honduras, the local government has recently granted designated facilities for VCOM to use during medical outreach trips. The success of the VCOM outreach programs would not be possible without new and standing local and international partnerships.

113 VCOM-Carolinas students participated in international trips 2017-2018

5 total week-long outreach trips to our international sites 2017-2018

20 students participated in a month-long clinical rotation in VCOM’s international clinics 2017-2018



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