VCOM - Carolinas 2018 Yearbook


Special Interest Group of SOSA

Duane Myklejord, Chair

T he Anesthesia Special Interest Group (ASIG) is an organization that unites students interested in learning more about the Anesthesia specialty. ASIG is an organization that has grown from a handful of students to currently more than 50 members. One of the major advantages of ASIG is that it functions as an entity within VCOM-Carolina’s surgery organization. Therefore, it is easy for students to participate in inter-disciplinary activities alongside the surgery organization (SOSA). The goal of ASIG is to surround all members with unique activities that give students an edge when it comes time for rotations. Students this year had the privilege of partaking in a real-time simulation of an intra- operative Anesthesia scenario. ASIG

welcomed Richard Forrest MD, an anesthesiologist at Spartanburg Regional, to come and perform the scenario with us. All students received hands-on education and training. The organization worked on establishing more contacts with local anesthesiologists in Spartanburg and Greenville. They also established contact with upper classmate VCOM students who will be doing presentations for the group. These new contacts will make it easier to set up more events and provide different opportunities for our members. ASIG is an exciting student organization and is anticipated to continue to grow in the years to come.



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