VCOM - Carolinas 2018 Yearbook

SOSA Student Osteopathic Surgical Association Briggs Westby, President; Sable Skewes, Vice President; Andrea Rivero, National Liason; Patrick Weldon, Treasurer; Ahmad Raja, Secretary

T he Student Osteopathic Surgical Association (SOSA) is the official student organization of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS). It was established to provide a means for students interested in surgical specialties to participate in the activities and governance of the ACOS. SOSA has grown significantly in the past few years and because of this growth, is focused on providing events vital to educating members in all aspects of medicine. Adding more than 50 new members each year, SOSA hosted events vital to educating its members in all aspects of medicine. SOSA hosted a second annual surgical conference which consisted

of “Surgery Lifestyle” forums with current residents and Richard Orr, MD, a “Resident Panel” with current surgical residents at Spartanburg Regional, as well as intubation, surgical anatomy, and suturing clinics. Many suture clinics were held throughout the year, as well as “Gown, Glove, and Scrub” events where students learned how to scrub in and gown and glove themselves. SOSA ordered the VCOM Surgery long sleeve shirt, which were a huge hit on campus.The organization continued to host Dr. Kuhn, MD, for a series of lectures on various surgical cases. Anatomy tutoring for the 1st-year students was continued.


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