VCOM - Carolinas 2018 Yearbook

SAAO Student American Academy of Osteopathy

Elexander Atkinson, President; Amanda Fernandez, Vice President; Siddharth Vadakkeveedu, Treasurer; Art Boyev, Secretary; Lydia Meece, National Liaison; Christy Blevins, Merchandise Chair; Karl Schranz, Education Chair

T he Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO) spearheads student exposure and interest in the field of osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM). Our goals align with the National AAO organization: to acquire a better understanding of osteopathic principles, theories and practices, by helping students attain maximum proficiency in osteopathic structural diagnosis and treatment, fostering a clear concept of the clinical applications of osteopathy in health and disease; and to improve public awareness of osteopathic medicine so the community may better take advantage of the benefits provided by the complete health care concept of osteopathic medicine. This academic year of 2017-2018, SAAO kept busy with OMM techniques

reviews, mock practicals, speaker events, and workshops for students of the Class of 2020 and Class of 2021. The executive board worked as a team to make sure members of SAAO were prepared for OMM exams through these events while also gaining insight from doctors with plenty of experience in their practices.


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