VCOM - Carolinas 2017 Yearbook
ACONP American College of Osteopathic Neurologists and Psychiatrists
Andrew Slater, President; Tonia Peters, Vice President; Jonathan Doty, Treasurer; Luke Johnson, Secretary
T he American College of Osteopathic Neurologists and Psychiatrists (ACONP) student organization works in conjunction with the Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) to provide quality medical education and opportunities in the fields of psychiatry and neurology. ACONP worked hard to welcome new members and organize member events this year. In the fall, members partnered with Wilderness Medicine for a day of hiking at Paris Mountain State Park. They also raised money and participated in the Spartanburg Walk to End Alzheimer’s, sponsored
by the South Carolina Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. Members managed a booth at the 2016 Pediatric Wellness Fair, offering fun ways to engage children in neurology including taste altering tablets, games with vision altering goggles, and neuron coloring books. ACONP also provided dinner and screened a PBS Frontline documentary related to neurology. Later in the year, ACONP produced large, laminated cross sections of brain and spinal cord tissue for the classes of 2019 and 2020, to be used as resources during board review and
neurology block. Funds raised from this project were donated to charity and helped to fund organization activities. ACONP has invited Dr. Andrew Furman, MD, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University, to speak in a grand- rounds style on the role of humanities in medical education. The organization also offered cranial nerve physical exam practice for members, aimed at helping the Class of 2020 to prepare for its neurology block standardized patient exam.
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