VCOM Auburn Yearbook 2019
ACOP American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians
Ryan Breaud, President; Lauren Wilson, Vice President; Natalie Shaykh, Secretary; Riley King, Treasurer; Rachel Butler, National Liaison Officer; Rian Anglin, MD, Faculty Advisor
in the Opelika Kids Triathlon by checking in the kids, helping to direct them on the bike course and transitioning between the biking and running portion. Members also helped to lead the small fry race (for the younger kids). Some of the chapter’s favorite on-campus events throughout the year were having local physicians come to speak to the organization. Dr. Anglin brought her children and taught members how to do a pediatric physical exam. This was especially helpful for the students who went on mission trips this past year. Dr. Heidi VanderVelde, one of Dr. Anglin’s new partners who recently graduated from VCOM-Carolinas, spoke about board exams and the process of residency and finding her first job. This was great advice and information for chapter members, especially coming from
This past year, ACOP has been active in the community in a variety of ways. Chapter members continued delivering weekly Nourish baskets to a few Auburn families that benefit from the fresh, local produce. ACOP started a new tradition this year by hosting a bake sale during the holiday season. Chapter members were very successful in providing an extra special holiday gift to our Nourish families because of the proceeds the chapter raised. ACOP’s other main event held each year is the annual Dyslexia Dash . Chapter members worked with Dr. Rian Anglin and All for Children to plan, volunteer and participate in the 5K. ACOP also had a few students each week helping out with Miracle League in the spring, where members were paired with a buddy with special needs to help them play baseball. In August, ACOP volunteered
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