VCOM - Auburn 2018 Yearbook

ACOOG American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Cate Marshall, President; Meridith Byl, Vice President; Betsy Chandler, Secretary; Valario Johnson, Treasurer; R. Kraig Smith, MD, Faculty Advisor

T he VCOM-Auburn chapter of the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOOG) student organization is dedicated to providing education, events and services in hopes of promoting and helping future physicians, particularly those interested in OB- GYN. ACOOG also facilitates interested students to develop highly competitive residency applications, educates students about sub-specialties in OB- GYN and the services provided by women’s health physicians and coordinate service opportunities which promote the health and well-being of women and neonates in the community. ACOOG worked this year to especially promote National Women’s Health Week from May 11-18, by having donut sales, case presentations by physicians, work out classes to promote health, and different speakers discussing their own experiences. Women’s Health Week T-shirts were also designed and sold by ACOOG to further promote the organization.

ACOOG teamed up with SOSA to host a knot tying clinic that was specifically useful for skills needed on future rotation sites. Student panels a were held frequently throughout the year to allow students to ask VCOM-Auburn third-year students advice. The members of ACOOG worked hard this year to provide educational and medical opportunities, and offer organizational activities to all of VCOM. Members hope to continue the strong success of ACOOG and grow to be effective not only in their school, but in the community.


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